Rights and Obligations of Christian Faithful (B-KUL-B0B17A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Torfs Rik (coordinator) |  N. |  Otter Josef (substitute)
This course is taught this academic year, but not next year. This course is taught this academic year, but not next year.
POC Kerkelijk recht

  • To gain insight into the general context and source of the rights and obligations of the Christian faithful in the Code of Canon Law
  • To understand the relationship between the Second Vatican Council and the Code of Canon Law regarding the foundation, nature and application of the rights and obligations of Christian faithful,
  • To see the similarities and differences between civil and ecclesiastical society regarding the source of rights and obligations; the foundation of rights (for example, natural, divine, human positive law, either ecclesiastical or civil)
  • To discuss the relationship between secular law and obligations of Christian faithful according to the Code of Canon Law
  • To be familiar with the implementation of the canonical mechanisms (due process applied with equality, proper procedures for penalties and promotion of social justice) regarding the protection of rights and obligations of the Christian faithful
  • To study and analyse in depth canones 208 to 223 in the Code of Canon Law.
  • An analysis of the statutes of the lay, clerics, personal prelatures and associations of the Christian Faithful. Canones 229 - 329.

Preferably, students took the course Basic Concepts or General Norms of Canon Law before.

This course is identical to the following courses:
B0C20A : Rechten en plichten van christengelovigen


4 ects. Rights and Obligations of Christian Faithful (B-KUL-B0B17a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
N. |  Otter Josef (substitute)
POC Kerkelijk recht

This course deals with the rights and obligations of the Christian faithful in detail (canon 208-329). After an analysis of the history and the legal background of these rights and obligations, a detailed overview follows of the specific law and obligations related to the Church. Some are rather ecclesiastical in nature, such as the missionary duty and the obligation to materially support the Church. Others lean towards profane legal human rights (for example, freedom of speech, right to privacy, the right to a proper process). Case-studies, private law standards and the review of international human rights are studied extensively. Finally, the rights and obligations are also linked to the general welfare in the Church.

The course material will be explained at the start of the academic year. 


Evaluation: Rights and Obligations of Christian Faithful (B-KUL-B2B17a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Code/lawbook