Liturgical Hermeneutics (B-KUL-A07I8A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Mc Carthy Daniel (substitute)
This course is taught this academic year, but not next year. This course is taught this academic year, but not next year.
Facultaire POC Theologie en Religiewetenschappen

At the end of the course each student will be prepared:
i.  to interpret a liturgical prayer and its rite using a selection of analytical tools and liturgical dimensions,
ii.  describe the proper contribution of each analytical tool and liturgical dimension, for the interpretation of a specific text or rite,
iii. situate another person’s interpretation of a liturgical prayer or rite according to these interpretative tools and liturgical dimensions

Note: This course is taught at Ealing Abbey, London in late July for the following academic year. It is completed before enrolment at KU Leuven at the end of August. For course information please visit the web-page for this course at: Institutum Liturgicum. To enquire please write to: After successfully completing this course at Ealing, you may thereafter enrol for this course at KU Leuven to receive KU Leuven study points / ECTS credits.

Previous knowledge:
It is recommended that students be familiar with the history of western civilisation in the Christian period and, in particular, with the various liturgical celebrations of the Catholic Church. Analysis of liturgical texts assumes a working ability in Latin.


4 ects. Liturgical Hermeneutics (B-KUL-A07I8a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment26 First term
N. |  Mc Carthy Daniel (substitute)
Facultaire POC Theologie en Religiewetenschappen

We follow the hermeneutical method presented by Prof. Renato De Zan in the articles “How to Interpret a Collect” and “Criticism and Interpretation of Liturgical Texts”. After a brief historical survey of methodology, we examine the theology of liturgical prayer in its ritual context according to the dimensions: anamnesis-mimesis, epiclesis, theandric-divinisation, ecclesial. We next apply the following forms of analysis: textual, philological, semantic, historical, literary and celebrative. In each session we:

  • examine selected prayers in their ritual context from liturgical books,
  • apply the liturgical dimension or analytical tool currently under consideration while reviewing those already considered,
  • analyse the meaning of the text in its ritual context.

To help the student synthesise this material, at the beginning of the course the instructor and each student agree on a liturgical prayer text in its ritual context for the student to study. As each dimension of the liturgy or analytical tool is presented, the student applies these to the agreed upon text in its ritual context and prepares written notes on the liturgical dimensions and analytical tools learned in class and applied by the student.

Course Material:
♦ DE ZAN, R., “How to Interpret a Collect”, in Appreciating the Collect, ed. J.G. Leachman, 57-77; “Criticism and Interpretation of Liturgical Texts”, in Introduction to the Liturgy, ed. A.J. Chupungco (Handbook for Liturgical Studies 1), Liturgical Press (A Pueblo Book), Collegeville MN 1997, 331-365  -365. These are our primary guides.
Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy (Documenta rerum ecclesiasticarum instaurata, Liturgiam aestimare: Appreciating the Liturgy) St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2008.
♦ MCCARTHY, D.P. - J..G. LEACHMAN, Listen to the Word, (Documenta rerum ecclesiasticarum instaurata, Varia), The Tablet Trust, London 2009.
♦ LEACHMAN, J.G., “A Liturgical Study of the Proper Prayers for St Charles of St Andrew Houben, C.P.: (1) The Opening Prayer,  Questions liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 92 (2011) 29-45.
♦ LEACHMAN, J..G., – D.P. MCCARTHY, “Preparation for the Piazza”, Societas Liturgica Conference, August 12th 2007, in Studia Liturgica 38 (2008), 114-133.
♦ Participants with a personal computer, with a LAN cable or wireless connectivity and a UK plug-in adapter will benefit more readily from online resources.

Description of learning activities:
♦ In personal study time, students read the assigned part of the article by De Zan.
♦ The instructor presents and all discuss the historical survey and each dimension of the liturgy and analytical tool.
♦ All analyse a selection of liturgical prayer texts in their ritual contexts according to each liturgical dimension or interpretative tool.
♦ Students and instructor evaluate the contribution of each method to the interpretation.
♦ In personal study time, each student applies the liturgical dimensions and interpretative tools to one's own approved prayer.
♦ In personal study time, each student writes notes in preparation for an oral exam.


Evaluation: Liturgical Hermeneutics (B-KUL-A27I8a)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work

Assessment description:
Examination type: oral (100%); with written notes made throughout the course.
When: oral exam is conducted at the end of the final session.
Explanation: A copy of the student’s notes is handed in at the beginning of the oral exam and kept on record for one year. The student uses notes and printed books during the exam. The student prepares all the material from the course, but chooses and presents in depth one liturgical dimension or analytical tool and its application to the agreed on prayer in context. The instructor chooses another liturgical dimension or analytical tool. The student uses 20 minutes to prepare. During the oral exam the student first presents the topic of one’s own choice, then the topic of the instructor’s choice. During the discussion the instructor asks questions that help the student complete the student’s presentation and to probe the clarity and comprehensiveness of the student’s knowledge, understanding and evaluation of the theory of these two topics and the application of them to the prayer in its ritual context.
Assessment criteria: The written essay is required before the discussion, but the full mark (100%) is based on the student’s oral presentation of the student’s knowledge, understanding and evaluation of the theory and its application.

Because this is an intensive summer course, the opportunity for a second exam is by appointment and depends upon the availability of the instructor.