Ecologische geschiedenis (B-KUL-F0ZI0A)

Dit is een vertaalde versie. Originele versie in Engels.
6 studiepuntenEngels39 urenEerste semester
De Keyzer Maïka |  Lathouwers Eline (plaatsvervanger)
POC Geschiedenis

The course aims at advanced insight into the most current debates in the field of ecological history and disaster studies. The course invites students to reflect upon the relationship between human society and its environment. By reading the latest research articles, students become acquainted with the newest insights into environmental history. Following this course students will learn how to debate and formulate an argument during the classical debates and learn to develop an environmental excursion which requires presenting skills.

No previous knowledge required


6 sp. Ecologische geschiedenis (B-KUL-F0ZI0a)

6 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College39 urenEerste semester
De Keyzer Maïka |  Lathouwers Eline (plaatsvervanger)
POC Geschiedenis

This course examines the relationship between humans and their environment from an historical perspective. The course combines a theoretical exploration of the big ecological debates and concepts, with a case study approach. Theme’s that will be discussed are vulnerability, pollution, environmental justice, natural disasters, climate change, circular economies, etc. Each year the theoretical classes will be supplemented with an excursion and an assignment to develop an environmental excursion to explore our environmental past in real life. Student’s that follow this course will develop a more nuanced and contextualized image of the current climate and environmental debates.

The powerpoints that are distributed via Toledo on a weekly basis

The reader of articles that is distributed via Toledo on a weekly basis

The discussions and information during classes.

The information given during the excursion

The students attend the lecture and take note of the oral additions to the Powerpoints. For the discussion of the articles (reader) they read the imposed studies in advance and actively take part in the discussion.


Evaluatie: Ecologische geschiedenis (B-KUL-F2ZI0a)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Mondeling, Medewerking tijdens contactmomenten
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Cursusmateriaal

Permanente evaluatie: Deelname aan klassikale discussies is verplicht. De klassikale discussies bepalen of je de verplichte reader hebt gelezen en beoordelen je analytische vaardigheden. Twintig procent van het cijfer wordt hierop gebaseerd. 

Mondeling examen: Open, open vraag. Open boek examen. 

Examen: Identiek aan het eerste examen

De cijfers van de permanente evaluatie worden overgedragen en gecombineerd met de nieuwe score van het mondeling examen.