International business strategy (B-KUL-D0M19B)

Dit is een vertaalde versie. Originele versie in Engels.
6 studiepuntenEngels39 urenTweede semesterUitgesloten voor examencontract
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven


6 sp. International business strategy (B-KUL-D0M19a)

6 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College39 urenTweede semester
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

The course provides strategic analysis for understanding the behaviour of the modern corporation in a rapidly changing technology-based global environment. The focus of the course is on conceptual models that are essential for understanding strategic management practice. Many of the concepts will be presented from a European perspective.
Topic covered in this course:
• Introduction to the major new developments in the theory of the firm (commitment, transaction costs, incentive schemes…) and how these developments can be applied to the multinational enterprise
• Why and how do firms invest in other countries?
• How to develop an international business strategy and reduce the risk of failure in global markets.
• Which entry modes (greenfield, acquisition, joint-venture…) should be selected to reduce the risk of failure when entering new/foreign markets?

Used Course Material
* Textbook:  Charles W.L. Hill ,International Business. Competing in the Global Marketplace. 10th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Higher Education, 2014.
* Articles and literature
* Slides, transparencies, courseware
* Toledo / e-platform

Recommended Reading
* Peter Dickens, Global Shift. Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy. 6th edition, The Guildford Press.
* Daniel F. Spulber, Global competitive Strategy. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
* Svend Hollensen, “Essential of global marketing”, 2nd edition, Harlow Pearson Education, 2012.


*Toledo is being used for this learning activity.

Lectures, guest lectures, as well as assignments.


Evaluatie: International business strategy (B-KUL-D2M19b)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Schriftelijk, Paper/Werkstuk, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Geen

Features of the evaluation

The evaluation consists of a final exam and assignments.

* The exam is a written, closed book exam and consists of both closed and open questions. Some of the questions may pertain to a text included in the exam, such as a case or a newspaper or magazine article. * The assignments consist of questions on the required readings and on documentation about real multinational firms, including cases. The assignments have to be made in teams of approximately 5 students. Submission dates will be determined by the lecturer (titularis) and communicated via Toledo.

Determination of final grades

* The final grade is based on the following components and weights:

- exam: 50%
- assignments: 50%


* Students who did not respect the deadline for an assignment will receive a grade of zero for that assignment, unless they asked the lecturer for an extension prior to the deadline. Such an extension will only be granted in the case of serious personal circumstances. Students who skip all of the assignments will receive an assignment grade of zero.

* To pass the course, students need to obtain an exam grade of at least 10 out of 20, regardless of their average assignment grade. If not, the exam grade will become the final grade for the course.

* Students who did not put enough effort into the assignments according to their teammates may be penalized with a lower assignment grade, including a grade of zero for students who did not contribute to the assignments at all.

*  Students who did not take the exam will not receive a grade for the course, even if they handed in the assignments. Instead, such students will receive an “NA” (not taken) for the course.

Second examination opportunity

* The features of the evaluation and determination of the grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above. The assignment grades will continue to form 50% of the final grade during the second examination opportunity within the same academic year. The assignments need to be made before the first examination opportunity and thus cannot be retaken during the second examination opportunity. The grade for the assignments from the first examination opportunity will be transferred to the second examination opportunity.

The assignment grades are not transferrable to the next academic year, nor to later years.