Polish: Proficiency 2 (B-KUL-YL0111)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
10 ECTSPolish130 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Antwerpen

Mastering Polish at level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”. 

To understand and be able to summarize a wide range of written and spoken foreign language sources. 

To be able to communicate orally adequately in the foreign language. 

To be able to communicate adequately in writing in the foreign language. 

To be able to use knowledge of the foreign language functionally and creatively and to use the correct register. 

To have knowledge of and insight into the phonological, morphological and syntactic system of the studied language. 

To be able to analyze, interpret and assess oral messages of a general and specialized nature. 

To be able to analyze, interpret and assess written messages of a general and specialized nature. 

To be able to produce texts with attention to purpose, audience and medium. 

To be able to correct texts with attention to purpose, audience and medium. 

To be able to critically evaluate own written language expressions. 

The initial terms are the end terms of Polish: Proficiency 1.


5 ects. Polish: Proficiency 2A (B-KUL-YL3133)

5 ECTSPolishFormat: Lecture65 First term
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Antwerpen

  • Attention to oral and written proficiency, to receptive and productive proficiency; 
  • Vocabulary and grammar; 
  • Proficiency and knowledge of the language area. 


Polish and Dutch

Blended learning - Guest lecture - Presentation

5 ects. Polish: Proficiency 2B (B-KUL-YL3134)

5 ECTSPolishFormat: Lecture65 Second term
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Antwerpen

  • Attention to oral and written proficiency, to receptive and productive proficiency 
  • Vocabulary and grammar 
  • Proficiency and knowledge of the language area 



Polish and Dutch

Blended learning - Guest lecture - Presentation


Evaluation: Polish: Proficiency 2 (B-KUL-YL7111)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Skills test
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

Permanent evaluation consisting of a voice recording and vocabulary tests + a written exam during the exam period


1) Continuous Evaluation – 40%

2) voice recording – 20%

3) written exam – 40%.

As for permanent evaluation, the modalities regarding the use of AI per assignment will be given via Toledo Ultra. For each assignment, clear guidelines regarding the use of AI will be included on Toledo Ultra, so that there is always a written record of the agreements.

voice recording and written exam