Arabic: Language, Society and Culture 1 (B-KUL-YL0065)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
4 ECTSArabic26 Second term
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Antwerpen

  • To have a basic knowledge and understanding of Islam, the culture and the history of the Arab world.
  • To have a basic knowledge of and insight into the society and institutions of the Arab world.
  • To have an understanding of the cultural unity and diversity within the Arab world.
  • To have knowledge of and insight into the basic concepts of Islam.
  • To reflect on questions related to religion, meaning and philosophy of life.


This course is identical to the following courses:
Y05320 : History of the Islam and the Arab World (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. Arabic: Language, Society and Culture 1 (B-KUL-YL3078)

4 ECTSArabicFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Antwerpen

  • Situating the Islam.
  • Introductory social, political and cultural situation of the Arab world.

Syllabus provided by the teacher.

Waardenburg, J. (1994). Islam. Norm, Ideaal en werkelijkheid. Derde, herziene druk. Houten. 


Evaluation: Arabic: Language, Society and Culture 1 (B-KUL-YL7065)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Closed questions