Master's Thesis Financial Management (B-KUL-Y05139)
This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
Both terms
Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract

OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen
Learning outcomes are evaluated for the master’s thesis in the field of the selected programme and the chosen subdomain (major/specialization), if applicable.
- The student purposefully collects and selects relevant information from the scientific literature.
- The student reflects critically on (findings from) existing research.
- The student integrates information from existing research in function of the question.
- The student presents the described scientific findings correctly.
- The student refers adequately to sources used, both in the text and in the reference list.
- The student formulates clear and defined research questions and indicates their relevance.
- The student draws out a meaningful, feasible and verifiable research design with appropriate research methods and analysis techniques.
- The student motivates the methodological choices made.
- The student carries out the research design consistently.
- The student provides a clear, accurate description of the results.
- The student formulates an answer to the research questions.
- The student reflects critically on the own research, links back to findings from previous research and formulates suggestions for further research, for practice or for the government.
- The student reports, both orally and in writing, in a clear and correct manner on the research conducted.
- The student takes initiative, works independently and conscientiously on the master's thesis.
- The student deals constructively with the feedback obtained
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
Y00648 : Master's Thesis (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) (Specialisation: Financial Management) 60 ects.
15 ects. Master's Thesis Financial Management (B-KUL-Y55139)
The master's thesis aims to have students conduct and report (both written and oral) a scientific research project. The student works independently (individually or in group) but under the supervision of a supervisor.
The following general rules apply with regard to the subject of the master's thesis:
- The topic is consistent with the field of study of the programme and the chosen subdomain (major/specialization), if applicable.
- The research assignment should be in line with the research or areas of specialisation of the supervisor (who supervises the approach and completion of the work).
- In developing their research, students have the opportunity to collaborate with the field (but this is not guaranteed for every topic or with every supervisor).
Evaluation: Master's Thesis Financial Management (B-KUL-Y75139)
Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Process evaluation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None