Financial Landscaping (B-KUL-Y05138)

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.4 (FM) critically reflects on how FM contributes to the financial/operational goals of companies, intermediaries and private investors.
2.5 (FM) reflects critically on the (international) financial context and the institutional framework in which organisations operate and how they shape strategic decisions under uncertainty.
4.1 (FM) outlines and interprets current trends in theory and practice of corporate financial management
4.3 (FM) selects relevant aspects from corporate financial information and analyses the importance as well as consequences of strategic financial communication with owners, investors, financial intermediates,….
7.1 takes on a diplomatic and honest position and can reach an agreement that takes into account the interest of all parties involved through negotiation and mediation.
7.3 takes initiative, is flexible, shows responsibility and can work independently in complex and unpredictable contexts.
7.4 is able to utilize his/her acquired knowledge and his/her ability to think analytically, synthetically, abstractly and/or creatively in a flexible and authentic way in specific and/or complex situations.
7.5 is critical and not afraid to question himself/herself and his/her environment.
8.1 formulates, as a member of a team, the interdisciplinary problem that is at the basis of the project, analyses the content of the project, the circumstances surrounding the project and factors that will influence the course of the project, and uses this information to formulate the (general) goals of the project.
8.2 organises, as a member of a team, the project and sets up a detailed and realistic plan, taking into account the context of the question, the scope of the project, the conditions, the limitations, the expected quality and the means available.
8.3 follows, both individually and as a member of a team, the arranged plans and applies time management techniques.
8.4 takes responsibility for his/her role in the team and carries out his/her part of the project on time.
8.5 assesses, as a member of a team, the project, monitors the progress of the project, deals with uncertainty, gives feedback and formulates points of action and points of improvement throughout the project.
8.6 participates constructively in meetings with the team and with others who are involved in the project.
8.7 assesses his/her own input critically and evaluates, as a member of a team, the course and the result of the project.
9.1 informs experts and laymen correctly and structurally on his/her general and/or specialised knowledge, both in speaking and writing.
9.2 chooses and uses the appropriate communication channels and means and adjusts both the communication content and style to the audience and the communication goal.
9.3 communicates convincingly, shortly and concisely his/her vision and actions in different contexts and accounts for his/her choices, both in speaking and writing.
9.4 substantiates clearly and convincingly.
9.5 is aware that communication is a two-way street, asks for and anticipates input or feedback of the supervisor(s), listener(s) or reader(s).
11.1 is aware of the rapidly evolving knowledge society that he/she will enter and therefore understands the need for maintenance and improvement of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences.
11.2 is willing to improve his/her knowledge, skills and competences in order to shape his/her life professionally, personally, socially and civilly.
11.3 actively looks for opportunities to broaden and deepen his/her knowledge, skills and competences, in order to anticipate the (evolving) requirements of the work environment.
Previous knowledge
This is an advanced course requiring good understanding in the general theory of corporate finance and investment finance.
Y00926 : Corporate Finance
Y00341 : Corporate Finance (S)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) (Specialisation: Financial Management) 60 ects.
6 ects. Financial Landscaping (B-KUL-Y55138)
The OPO financial wharfs will consist of guest lectures, business cases, and/or games from the broad domain of finance. Guest speakers from financial institutions or policy, speakers from non-financial businesses and/or consultants, as well as speakers with a scientific background (PhD students, (guest) professors, and researchers at research/policy institutions/think tanks such as ECB, NBB, FSMA, Itinera, etc.), will provide lectures. These guest speakers will discuss a theme they encounter in their professional activities. Throughout the lecture series, students will be exposed to perspectives around which the specialization in financial management is built: entrepreneur, consultant, policymaker, scientist. They approach the themes of the guest lectures, business cases, and/or games from one of these perspectives and study the corresponding professional skills (soft/hard skills). This gives students insight into the multitude of disciplinary future selves that are possible from the specialization in financial management. It also provides them with a better understanding of which perspectives best fit their own profile. After each lecture, there will be a guided discussion with the guest speaker, which must be prepared by some of the students.
Course material
Compulsory Course Material
Recommended Course Material
Format: more information
In addition to an introductory lecture outlining the methodology and objectives of the course, as well as discussing and explaining the perspectives and associated skills (soft/hard skills), the format consists of several specific components:
Weekly guest lectures, business cases, and/or games Groups are assigned the lecture, case, or game in advance, on which they must develop a paper. Depending on the assignment, they prepare for a specific lecture by conducting some preliminary research on the topic. After several lectures, cases, and/or games, some groups (depending on the assignment) present their paper idea to the entire group. In total, students write 3 papers, submit 1 interview, and present their paper idea once (for one of the 3 papers).
Evaluation: Financial Landscaping (B-KUL-Y75138)
Features of the evaluation
Determination of final grades
The final grade is a weighted score and consists of:
The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.
If the student does not participate in one (or more) of the partial evaluations, the grades for these partial evaluations will be a 0-grade within the calculations of the final grade.
Second examination opportunity
The features of the evaluation and/or the determination of grades differ between the first and second examination opportunity.
Information about retaking exams
See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.