Marketing (S) (B-KUL-Y05070)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch26 Second term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

1.a Analyses the environment in which an organisation is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organisation.

2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.l Formulates and evaluates critically the objectives and tools of a marketing planning and strategy.
2.m Analyses the impact of marketing decisions on the level of the market, the organisation and the consumer.
2.t Analyses issues in different management domains on the basis of appropriate theories, concepts and models and proposes a scientifically sound solution.

3.a Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy.
3.b Analyses price-setting and the various pricing strategies for the most important market forms.

4.c Analyses the functioning of organisations and markets in relation to society and its actors.
4.d Uses disciplinary scientific knowledge to solve business economic problems.

More information

The student

  • Analyses influences from the meso- and micro-environment and assesses their impact on the company’s ability to create value for the customer (1.a)
  • Understands which factors in the macro-environment have an impact on the company and knows how a company can handle those. (1.a)
  • Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of marketing with respect to customer relationship management, value creation, customer satisfaction and customer equity and can apply them when solving marketing problems. (2.a)
  • Formulates the mission and objectives of the strategic marketing plan an evaluates critically how these are reflected in the operational marketing plan. (2.l)
  • Analyses issues in marketing on the basis of appropriate theories, concepts and models and proposes a scientifically sound solution. (2.t)
  • Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on the marketing policy and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy. (3.a)
  • Has knowledge of major pricing strategies in different types of markets and can apply this to make sound pricing decisions that maximize customer value (3.b)
  • Analyses the marketing policy of the organization in relation to society and its actors (4.c)
  • Uses disciplinary scientific knowledge to solve strategic and operational marketing problems, in particular with respect to the role of the consumer in those solutions. (4.d)

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HTH83A : Marketing (BL)
HSH86A : Marketing
HSA16A : Marketing (B)
HVB07A : Marketing (BL)


3 ects. Marketing (S) (B-KUL-Y55070)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture26 Second term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen

The marketing process
Market research
Consumer behavior
Business-to-business marketing
From analysis to (market versus customer based) marketing strategy
Product, services and branding policy; product development and life cycle
Prijs- en distributiebeleid; retailing
Integrated marketing communications
Paid, own and acquired media

Implementation and evaluation


Compulsory Course Material

Kotler, Armstron, Harris & He (2021), Principes van Marketing, 8ste editie (ISBN 978-90-430-3806-5)

Recommended Course Material


Lecture with possibility of classroom interaction

Integrated combination of handbook, Toledo material and


Evaluation: Marketing (S) (B-KUL-Y75070)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

Features of the evaluation

Written exam, closed book

Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.

Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.