Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (B-KUL-Y00940)

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.a Analyses the environment in which an organisation is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organisation.
1.c Uses the analysis of a (business) economic problem to develop and propose a solution in line with the organisational strategy.
2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.b Distinguishes and clarifies the different ways in which activities and processes in organisations are organised, structured and managed.
2.l Formulates and evaluates critically the objectives and tools of a marketing planning and strategy.
6.e From qualitative and quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance.
8.a Identifies (business) economic challenges with practical relevance and relates them to insights developed in the field.
8.b Takes into consideration alternative explanations and methods when analysing and solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.
8.c Identifies the limitations of research and questions the research findings.
8.d Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.
8.e Ensures the relevance, precision and scientific character of his own work and takes into account possible feedback.
8.f Critically reflects on his own behaviour and approach, in the context of lifelong learning.
9.a In a team and depending on the context, takes on management, executive or supportive tasks and as such contributes actively to a joint result.
9.b Listens to the opinion of others and constructively deals with various opinions and cultures.
10.a Uses the language of instruction to communicate orally and in writing with an audience of specialists and non-specialists, and such in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context.
11.a Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.
11.b Demonstrates creativity, takes initiative, assumes responsibility, and sets priorities when carrying out economic (business) assignments.
11.c Analyses an economic problem in its context, combines data to solve this problem and uses the accumulated multidisciplinary knowledge.
11.e Evaluates the feasibility of a project by correctly estimating the required resources and the related risks.
11.f During a discussion or conversation, explains and defends a view on (business) economic problems.
11.h Uses management skills and entrepreneurship in a business context.
12.d Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values.
13 The student has insight into his or her own competencies and motives, takes a pro-active attitude towards his or her own development and can reflect critically on their own behaviour.
Previous knowledge
For this course it is necessary to have sufficient prior knowledge of the courses Accounting A and B, Bank and finance, Corporate Finance, Strategic management and Marketing. It is also recommended to have sufficient prior knowledge of the courses Business Management, Personnel and Organization and Management accounting.
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (B-KUL-Y50716)
Course material
Compulsory Course Material
Slides (Toledo)
Evaluation: Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (B-KUL-Y70940)
See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.