Introduction to Biomechanics (B-KUL-L08A6A)
The student can
- Apply mechanical principles of mechanics in the biomechanical analysis of human movements
- Create applications
- Make movement tasks for athletes that correspond to specific taxings on the body
Previous knowledge
Prerequisites for students who are not registrered for the program bachelor of Physical Education and Movement Sciences/Master of Movement and Sports Sciences, but wish to include the course as a component of choice in their program:
These students should contact the coordinator of the course. On the basis of prior knowledge and motivation, the coordinator will determine whether or not the student can be admitted to the course.
Previous knowledge
In addition to the prerequisites for university undergraduate programs within the Group Biomedical Sciences at the KU Leuven, there are these following specific prerequisites.
- Basic knowledge mathematics
o be able to apply the algebraic calculation techniques
o apply simple functions
o execute differential and integral calculations
o apply the basic principles of trigonometry
- Basic knowledge anatomy
It is recommended to simultaneously follow the course Functional Anatomy.
- Knowledge physics (see L08A1a)
- Know what force and moment are
- Can compute basic moments
- Scientific, biomechanical interest in human movement
- Willing to think actively in lessons
- concretize learned concepts in situations from everyday life
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Physical Education and Movement Sciences (Abridged Programme) (Leuven) 92 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Movement and Sports Sciences (Leuven) 106 ects.
- Bridging Programme: Master of Teaching in Physical Education (Leuven) (Study Path after ‘Bachelor of Teaching in Physical Education without Movement Recreation') 83 ects.
- Preparatory Programma: Master of Teaching in Physical Education (Leuven) 115 ects.
3 ects. Introduction to biomechanics (B-KUL-L08A6a)
Movement description
Posing the problem
Movement from one non-deformable segment
Movements of the deformable human body
Movement registration
Body taxation
Basic concepts
Center of gravity
Using pulleys in mecanoterapia
Strength in the muscles and the skeleton
It is expected that the material is processed in an integrated manner with the basic knowledge from functional anatomy.
Course material
Course: Introduction to biomechanics; A. Spaepen
PPT and exercises
Via Toledo
Format: more information
Blended learning
The class schedule on Toledo contains all the information about the organization of the course and the subject matter that needs to be seen each week.
For the lectures, students are expected to actively participate in the lesson by answering the teacher's questions with the help of fellow students.
For the teaching moments in the collaborative room, the students are expected to go through the content of the lesson on Toledo per group. The students use the screen to watch the videos together and the whiteboard to formulate an answer to the questions.
For the learning modules to be done at home, students should try to answer all the questions before watching the video with the answer.
The students come prepared for the practicals. They have processed the learning material of the past few weeks and solved the introductory assignment.
Is also included in other courses
Evaluation: Introduction to Biomechanics (B-KUL-L28A6a)
The student is expected to be aware of the education and examination regulations as well as the facultary additions.