Legal Aspects and Organisation of the Physiotherapy Profession (B-KUL-L04C7B)
This course is subject matter of the University of Hasselt (UH). The decisive ECTS information can be found here. The following information is only a guidline.
This course has two aims. The first aim is to familiarize students with the structure, terminology, technics, significance and underlying values and ideas of law in general. The second aim is to provide the students with a complete overview of the legislation related to the activities of physiotherapy.
General: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- generally explain the structure, the terminology, the technics and the meaning of our legal system;
- situate in a more specific manner the legal position of the physiotherapist within the legal system.
Specific learning goals: More specifically, the student should be able to:
- describe the basic concepts of the legal system and the relation between these concepts;
- describe the position of the physiotherapist within the global social security system and explain the relation between the different branches of the social security system;
- recognize situations with a liability risk related to the activity of physiotherapy;
- know the difference between the social status of the physiotherapist-employee and the self-employed physiotherapist;
- know the different froms of companies suitable to practice the activities of physiotherapy and to suggest the right choice taking into account the specific context (sole practitioner, associated physioterapist, ...) in which the physiotherapist can be employed:
- describe and recognize the tax consequences of the social status and the company form in practical cases.
Special attention is given to be used terminology. Students are expected to understand the used terms. Terms and concepts which the students do not understand, need to be looked up by themselves.
Previous knowledge
Prerequisites for students who are not enrolled in the Bachelor/Master programme of rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy, but who wish to include the course as an optional course in the diploma contract of their programme: These students must contact the course coordinator. On the basis of the student's previous knowledge and motivation, the coordinator will decide whether or not to admit the student to the course.
Initial requirements optional course Ma Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy
The student has a degree Bachelor in rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy (or equivalent) and a Dutch language certificate level 5.
Initial terms
It is advisable to follow this course in the last 60 (or 30 in case of a part time program) educational points of the master program RevaKi. This is the only way for the student to acquire the most recent information regarding the nomenclature, the legal aspects and the professional organisation, resulting in an optimal preparation for the professional career as a physiotherapist.
Order of Enrolment
Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.
The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
L08J8A : Law for Physiotherapists: Basic Principles
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
L04C7A : Legal Aspects and Organisation of the Physiotherapy Profession (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
- Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Leuven) (Specialisation: Children) 120 ects.
- Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Leuven) (Specialisation: Internal Disorders) 120 ects.
- Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Leuven) (Specialisation: Mental Health Care) 120 ects.
- Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Leuven) (Specialisation: Musculoskeletal Disorders: Option Manual Therapy) 120 ects.
- Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Leuven) (Specialisation: Neurological Disorders) 120 ects.
2 ects. Organisation of the Physiotherapy Profession (B-KUL-L04C8a)
In this part of the course, an in depth insight is offered with respect to the legislation and regulations regarding the following specific aspects of the professional activity of the physiotherapist:
- an overview of current Belgian compulsory sickness and disability insurance;
- the legal status of the physiotherapist;
- the recognition and the offer and quality control of physiotherapists;
- the nomenclature of the medical services - department physiotherapy;
- the agreements between physiotherapists and insurance companies (conventions);
- the medical prescription and the role of the advising physician;
- fees and travel costs - patient contribution;
- patients administration;
- control and sanctions;
- receipt;
- journal.
Course material
Stappaerts K., Wegwijs in de beroepsorganisatie van de kinesitherapie in België, 2006, Antwerpen: Standaard Uitgeverij.
2 ects. Legislative Aspects of the Physiotherapy Profession (B-KUL-L06L7a)
The section on the legal aspects of physiotherapy deals with the position of the physiotherapist in the social security system as a whole, the dangers of liability when practising physiotherapy, the various social statutes in which the physiotherapist can work and the various suitable corporate forms for physiotherapy with the related tax consequences. The legal relationship between a practice owner and a physiotherapist who enters into employment as an employee or enters into a self-employment agreement with the practice owner is the focus. The legal framework of the physiotherapist vis-à-vis the government, social security institutions and patients is also discussed.
Course material
Notes, course by Acco and slides.
Format: more information
To reach the educational goals, the learning material must be memorised by regular repetition. Structuring the learning material is therefore a necessity. Overviews, summaries and tables are suitable tools. The courses, slides and notes of the class room sessions need to be regarded as a whole.
For the eductional goal of recognizing the liabilities related to the professional activities, an additional learning activity is necessary. To reach this eductional goal, the learning material should not only be memorized by regular repetition. The student should also be able to apply the learning material to specific cases. Therefore, the cases which are seen during the class room sessions, mus be interpreted by analogy. The student must learn actively to extrapolate the known examples and to convert them to unknown examples.
Evaluation: Legal Aspects and Organisation of the Physiotherapy Profession (B-KUL-L24C7b)
Oral exam existing of knowledge and application questions (judicial cases). The use of a collection of legislation (codex) is permitted, given that the regulatory conditions are met with.
Information about retaking exams
This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:
- L04C8a - Organisation of the Physiotherapy Profession (during academic year)
- L06L7a - Legislative Aspects of the Physiotherapy Profession (during academic year)