Training and Coaching Handball (B-KUL-L03D7B)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
4 ECTSDutch65 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

The student is able to:
- coach youth athletes' training processes (starting from the age of 14) until they get promising on a recreational and/or (regionally) competitive level.
- supervise youth players in a pedagogically safe and ethically correct manner
- develop a concrete short term planning for training physical characteristics and technical/tactical skills for handball within the context of a general vision on the youth programme's existing learning lines.
- supervise the training process and, when necessary, make adjustments in view of an existing training plan
- teach young athletes the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle in view of sports activities
- collect new technical information independently, process it and translate it into professional coaching of young athletes.
- apply the regulations of handball
- develop a planning and periodisation
- perform an attack: individual, in group and in team
- perform a correct counter attack
- perform in defence: individual, in group and in the different defence systems
- perform the basic skills of a goalkeeper
During this course the student will: 
- Get familiar with guest lectures, self-study and peer instruction (students of the master program function as mentors).
- Learn how to use different media (video, PC) during the training/lesson.
- Become scaled by VTS (level depending on sports discipline)

Prerequisites credit contract/Prerequisites for students who are not registrered for the program bachelor of Physical Education and Movement Sciences/Master of Movement and Sports Sciences, but wish to include the course as a component of choice in their program:
Because of educational, organisational and safety aspects, an admission is required. This involves an individual application with indication of competences and motivation. Contact: FaBeR Helpdesk

Previous knowledge
Apart from prerequisites for bachelor programmes within the group 'Biomedische Wetenschappen' at KULeuven, the following specific prerequisites apply as well.

Students are familiar with the basic concepts of training education
- they can explain the factors determining the realisation of a successful training process
- they can indicate that the training of sporting skills requires a 'global approach' which involves physical, technical and tactical elements but also incorporates affective and psychosocial elements.

Students have acquired elementary technical/tactical skills during interactive physical activities (football).
Students have experience as players in a club and/or as youth coaches for 6-14-year-olds.

Students are interested in handball and follow this discipline in the media

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 162 credits to obtain your degree.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
L02B8B : Interactive Movement Activities I
L04B1B : Interactive Movement Activities II
L00B3C : Theories of Exercise Training Part 1
L05O0A : Teaching Methodology in Physical Education: Introduction and Microteaching

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
L04D8B : Internship: Handball


2 ects. Training and Coaching Handball: Seminars (B-KUL-L02D2a)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical26 Both terms
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

The lecture themes are first worked out theoretically in the seminary and then put into practice in the field. Themes are the technical and tactical sophistication of:
- individual
- in group
- team bound
- counter attack
- individual
- in group
- defence systems
- goalkeeping

For the lessons on teaching, the lesson content consists of the most used teaching techniques of technique or tactics training in handball.
- Students learn to give training (amongst themselves in small groups)
      - The student is assigned a theme
      - The student prepares the training
      - The student gives the training
      - Reflection in group and evaluation of the training

During the didactic exercises handball students are familiarized with the training and coaching of young handball players on a recreational and a competitive level, within their own programme (1st and 2nd Bachelor)

VTS Handball initiator course (specific part), Brussels: Bloso
VTS Handball trainer B course (specific part), Brussels: Bloso
Complemented by the German trade magazine "Handball Training 'and video material available via EHFtv.

answers in class

2 ects. Training and Coaching Handball: Practice and Didactics (B-KUL-L06H8a)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical39 Both terms
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

Technical and tactical finetuning of:
The attack
- individual
- in group
- in team
- counter attack
In defence
- individual
- in group
- defence systems
Goalkeeper skills
The topics of the courses didactic are the most used teaching methods in technical and tactical handball practices.
Students learn how to lead a practice (in small groups)
- The student was given a specific topic
- The student has to prepare the practice
- The student has to lead the practice
- The group reflects and evaluates the training.
During the lessons didactics handball the students get used to lead a practice and coach youth handball players on a recreational and a competitive level (and this within their own education: 1st and 2nd Bachelor).

The course is based on the 'Trainer B cursus' of the VHV, completed with the official extra training courses organised by the VHV
Furthermore we will use the German magasin: 'Handballtraining' and videomaterial of the EHFtv.

Self practice
Applications of the course material during the lessons
Questions & Answers during the lessons.
Preparation and performance of a handball training
Reflection about the trainingen
Application of the course topics from the seminars


Evaluation: Training and Coaching Handball (B-KUL-L23D7b)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Participation during contact hours, Skills test
Type of questions : Open questions