Insolvency Law (B-KUL-HMH73F)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch26 Second term
De Leo Frederik (coordinator) |  De Leo Frederik
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Brussel

4.1 (FISC) reflecteert kritisch over hoe maatschappelijke, internationale en organisatorische trends de fiscale aspecten verbonden aan verrichtingen in de organisatie beïnvloeden, en houdt hierbij rekening met (gevolgen voor) de betrokken stakeholders.

4.2 (FISC) volgt de actualiteit over fiscale thema’s.

10.1 (FISC) houdt zijn/haar kennis omtrent fiscale thema’s up to date, en dit zowel op basis van praktijkgerichte, beleidsgerichte, juridische als wetenschappelijke informatie.

11.1 is zich ervan bewust terecht te komen in een snel evoluerende kennissamenleving en ziet op basis daarvan de noodzaak van het onderhouden en verbeteren van de verworven kennis, vaardigheden en competenties in het vakgebied en het verwerven van nieuwe kennis, vaardigheden en competenties in.


3 ects. Insolvency Law (B-KUL-HMH73f)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture26 Second term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Brussel

This course provides insight into the rules regarding insolvency law, including security and seizure law. On the one hand, the recovery (rights) of creditors in an insolvency context is studied and the techniques (security rights) with which creditors can safeguard their interests. On the other hand, the wide range of insolvency procedures (including reorganization procedures) that financially distressed companies can use is examined. In this course, as much emphasis as possible is placed on the role of accounting professionals in insolvency law.

The course material will be provided on Toledo.


Evaluation: Insolvency Law (B-KUL-H75912)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Calculator, Code/lawbook

Use of calculator and non-annotated legal texts permitted.

The students are tested on their knowledge and insight by means of: practice-oriented and theoretical exercises, which can take the form of open questions and/or multiple choice questions (no correction for guessing), with or without justification.