Physical Environmental Factors (B-KUL-HBM03C)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch52 First term
POC Milieu- en preventiemanagement FEB Campus Brussel

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student:

1. Is able to use concepts and theories from natural sciences and applied and biomedical sciences to analyse environmental and health & safety problems.

1a Is able to apply the basic concepts and reasoning from chemistry (anorganic and organic chemistry), physics (thermodynamics, mechanics, wave theory and electricity) and biology (molecular and cell biology, evolution and diversity) in the context of environment, health & safety problems.

1c Is able to adequately explain the most important physicochemical processes that occur in the environment and the behaviour of pollutants and other disturbance factors and their effect on people and environment.

1d Is able to explain the most important parameters that show the state the environment is in and is able to analyse and correctly interpret the related statistical data.

1f Is able to use natural and biomedical sciences terminology accurately   

3. Is able to identify and assess the impact of the activities of an organisation on the environment using his/her integral understanding of environmental issues, and is able to propose the matching management measures and link those to the organisation's own environment policy.

3a Is able to describe the different environmental themes (such as climate change, depletion of the ozon layer, acidification, manure pollution) according to the DPSIR model (driving forces, pressure, state, impact, response) and is able to link environmental themes with each other.  

7. Masters research methods and is able to apply them to analyse problems in the field of environment and well-being, to work out and assess solutions and communicate about them.

7c Depending on the question, is able to make an informed choice for a certain method and/or analysis technique.

7d Is able to correctly interpret the results of an analysis and determine the scope of it.

7f Is able to critically evaluate a method in terms of demonstrated reliability and validity.


The student is able to ….

In line with Specific Learning Outcome 1 (a, c, d, f)

  • Explain the basic theory of physical agents, namely heat, radiation, vibrations, noise, and light
  • Solve simple problems with respect to these physical agents
  • Actively apply the theoretical knowledge to support the investigation of environmental, safety and health effects of these physical agents
  • Explain the meaning of differentparameters with respect to vibrations, noise, light, radiation and heat, as well as the way they are measured

In line with Specific Learning Outcome 2 (b,d)

  • Explain and apply environmental and health regulations with respect to vibrations, noise, light, radiation and heat
  • Apply health regulations with respect to vibrations, noise, light, radiation and heat

In line with Specific Learning Outcome 3 (c)

  • Explain the terminology and principles with respect to disturbances cause by vibrations, noise, light, radiation and heat, and propose measures for noise control

In line with Specific Learning Outcome 7 (c,d,f)

  • Make a well-argued choice for a certain method to measure and analyze vibrations, noise, light, radiation and heat, depending on the request
  • Correctly interpret the results of the measurement of vibrations, noise, light, radiation and heat, evaluate the results in terms of reliability and validity, and assess their wider implications

The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue. No prior knowledge is required for this course.

If you want to follow this course, it is advisable that you already have these competences: a basic knowledge of mathematics, in particular trigonometry; derivatives and differentials.


6 ects. Physical Environmental Factors (B-KUL-HBM03c)

6 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture52 First term
POC Milieu- en preventiemanagement FEB Campus Brussel


1. Vibration
  • mass-spring system
  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Energy of a harmonic oscillator
  • Muted harmonic motion
  • Forced vibration and resonance

  .Environmental and health effects of vibration

2. Waves

3. Sound
  • Sound waves
  • Characteristics of sound
  • Speed of sound
  • Frequency, wavelength
  • Intensity
  • tone
  • Ultrasonic, infrasonic, supersonic
  • Sound pressure
  • Calculating in dB
  • Interference from noise
  • Doppler effect
  • Shock waves and supersonic boom

  • Environmental effects of noise
  • Noise and health in the workplace
  • Measurement of noise and vibrations (equivalent noise, statistical analysis, frequency analysis, measuring devices ...)

4. Light
  • the electromagnetic radiation spectrum
  • Classification of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
  • Wavelength and frequency, speed of light
  • Visible Light

o Parameters: luminous flux, luminous intensity, luminance, illuminance, luminous efficacy
o reflection and refraction
o lenses and optical instruments
o Wave characteristic of light
o X-rays and X-ray diffraction

5. Climate
  • Temperature
  • Thermometers
  • Temperature Scale
  • Thermal expansion
  • Thermal stress
  • Transfer of heat: conduction, convection, radiation

For this course, a self-written syllabus is used, availabe at the Ekonomika cursusdienst

Information, slides and exercises are also posted on Toledo.

Interactive lectures with exercises and demos.


Evaluation: Physical Environmental Factors (B-KUL-H74434)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

Theoretical questions and exercises, concerning the different topics of the course