English 3 (B-KUL-HBH22A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSEnglish26 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Brussel

Graduates of the Faculty of Economics & Business will have to be also - if not particularly - communicatively active ánd skillful as working professionals. English has a unique position as an international language in that respect. It is probably the most important medium of communication in trade and many economic matters. You will need a thorough knowledge of English in your professional life. On top of this, English is indispensable in your academic education. Most professional literature is in English.

In Engels I and Engels II we covered the most important grammatical structures and basic vocabulary which the students need to communicate fluently in English. Engels III improves some specific communicative skills which are part and parcel of business life. We focus on giving presentations, but also holding meetings, debating, reporting and academic writing are dealt with.

In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:

  • Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.
  • As far as the foreign languages are concerned, knows the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar and uses all this accurately in written and oral communication.
    • Acquires frequent general and specific business economic vocabulary.
    • Links the contents of articles, letters, conversations and TV programmes to relevant social, historic, political and geographical data of the countries concerned.
  • Critically examines scientifically substantiated texts of (business) economic nature and interprets and synthesises them in English
    • Writes an academic paper.
  • During a discussion or conversation, explains and defends a view on (business) economic problems.
    • Summarizes in team the contents (often from a newspaper or magazine) or information about a specific topic, presents it in a creative way and moderates a conversation on the basis of critical questions for discussion.
    • The students are able to hold effective meetings. Not only should they be able to discuss a topic within a time limit, they also need to listen attentively to each other’s opinions, report and formulate their own opinion.
    • The students are able to compose a brief written report on the presentations and debates.

The position of the course in the framework of the learning objectives of the programme can be found under the section “Objectives” of the “Bachelor Handelswetenschappen (Brussels)”.

If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first: English 1 and English 2.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HBA18A : English III (No longer offered this academic year)
HLH94A : English 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
Y00632 : English 3_1
Y00633 : English 3_2


3 ects. English 3 (B-KUL-HBH22a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Second term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Brussel

Presentations and discussions


Writing skills: academic paper and business communication

Vocabulary: general, business and academic

Reading skills: scientifically substantiated texts of (business) economic nature


- L-MO Writing Lab (Toledo)

- Smashing Presentations - syllabus, Lieven Buysse (Toledo)

- Study materials on Toledo


The course unit is a language course and will be taught in English.

We opt for an active approach to language learning.  Students choose topics (in small groups), prepare them and present them to their fellow students and the lecturer.  The lecturer is a coach and the students receive extensive feedback from both their fellow students and the lecturer.  Furthermore, students write reports about the presentations of their peers.  To end the presentations, they discuss the topics in group.  The discussion of the topic will be prepared by the students who presented that topic.  
Finally, the students will get a short introduction to "academic writing", a skill they need to prove in a paper.


Evaluation: English 3 (B-KUL-H70595)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer

Permanent evaluation (1/2 of the total marks)

In line with the learning methods described above, students will mostly be "continuously" assessed.

If students do not participate in one of the parts of the 'permanent evaluation', the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended) for the whole course and they cannot retake the exam in the second exam period.

The permanent assessment consists of two parts:

- attendance and participation;
- ability to adjust one's approach following feedback;
- lead and actively participate in discussions;
- written reports about other presentations;
- level of the language used (fluency, accuracy, correctness; and more in general the communicative skills of aiming at an audience, clarity, persuasiveness, coherence of arguments, …);
- choice/application/integration of visual means to support presentations

More information will be given in class or will be made available on Toledo.  Presence in class is compulsory. Students not able to attend a class must immediately get in touch with their lecturer.

Academic text (1/2 of final mark)

Students write an academic text related to the presentation they give.


So to obtain a score for Engels 3, students must participate in all parts of the 'permanent evaluation' and write an academic text. 


Students who obtained a score of 50% or more for 'permanent assessment' or the academic texts in the first exam period do not need to retake that part. They keep that score unless they choose to retake it.  Students who obtained a score of 50% or more for 'permanent assessment' or the academic text and retake that part keep the 50% or more score if the score they obtain in the retake exam session is worse. 

To obtain a score for Engels 3, students must participate in all parts of the 'permanent evaluation' and write an academic text.