English proficiency for bridging and preparatory programmes (B-KUL-F0YR7A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
5 ECTSEnglish52 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Taal- en letterkunde

This course prepares students for the master course ‘Engelse bedrijfscommunicatie’ (F0US7A) and in this way aligns the English proficiency course in the preparatory program with the one in the master. The goal is to strengthen students’ English proficiency with regards to vocabulary, grammar, writing and speaking skills.

Students should have at least a proficiency level that corresponds with the level at the end of general secondary education in Flanders. This means that they should be able (i) to function in most situations that can occur in a country in which the foreign language is spoken, and (ii) to produce a coherent text (spoken and written) of an acceptable level on familiar subjects.


5 ects. English proficiency for bridging and preparatory programmes (B-KUL-F0YR7a)

5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical52 Both terms
POC Taal- en letterkunde

  • By the end of the course, students will have reached a level of practical proficiency in the most important domains of English grammar (e.g. tenses, modality, conditionality, sentence types, agreement, determiners…) and will be able to apply this knowledge in their spoken and written English. Moreover, they are capable of avoiding interference mistakes from their mother tongue, i.e. Dutch.
  • In the field of vocabulary, students expand their lexical range with Ruth Gairns' and Stuart Redman's Oxford Word Skills: Intermediate and actively use this vocabulary in their writing and speaking assignments.
  • Concerning writing skills, students can write a well-structured text. They show a relatively high degree of grammatical control, pay attention to register and use a rich vocabulary.
  • Regarding speaking skills, students can speak fluently in different functional contexts (e.g. role plays, discussions…). They show a relatively high degree of grammatical control, use a rich vocabulary and work on their pronunciation and accent.

  • Gairns, Ruth, and Stuart Redman. Oxford Word Skills: Intermediate. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020.


Evaluation: English proficiency for bridging and preparatory programmes (B-KUL-F2YR7a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Paper/Project, Skills test
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

Permanent evaluation during the first and second semester (12/20)

Written exercises: writing assignments, short vocabulary and/or grammar tests in the classroom

Oral exercises: role play, discussions,…

At the beginning of the semester, students receive an overview of the different assignments and exercises, as well as the specific grades attached to each assignment. The deadlines for the assignments will be determined by the teaching team and will be communicated on Toledo.


Written exam in June (8/20)

Vocabulary (open and closed questions)

Grammar (open and closed questions)

To succeed for the written exam, students must answer at least 2/3rds of the items correctly.

In case the student doesn’t participate in one or several of the components of evaluation, the student will receive a 0-mark for that component.

  • Writing assignment (4/20). The writing assignment will be made available on Toledo and has to be submitted before the written and oral exam.
  • Oral exam (6/20)
  • Written exam (vocabulary, grammar and writing skills; open and closed questions; 10/20). In order to pass the vocabulary and grammar components, students must answer at least 2/3rds of the items correctly.