Academic Dutch (B-KUL-F0WB7A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
4 ECTSDutch26 First term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

The aim is to support students of different programmes and faculties in obtaining a more academic writing style. The course 'Academisch Nederlands' is intended for students who have some experience in writing a small work or paper, but who wish to practise more in writing a real scientific text. The course is especially appropriate as a preparation for the Bachelor's paper or Master's thesis. The main objective of the course consists of learning to write scientific texts according to the prevailing rules and conventions.

Students should understand Dutch in academic texts as it is used in academic syllabi and in scientific literature that characterises their programme. They should have some familiarity with writing smaller works. They should master the general rules of Dutch.

This course is identical to the following courses:
F0BQ9A : Academic Dutch


4 ects. Academic Dutch (B-KUL-F0WB7a)

4 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical26 First term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Within the course, the Dutch academic writing style of students will be improved. There will be attention for: structure of texts, adding structure, style and language use, purposeful writing, good use of literature and other sources, ...
Furthermore we will pay attention to formulating a research question, working hypotheses, methodology, conclusions, ...

Students will also be familiarised with writing scientific abstracts and reviews.

Textbook: De Wachter, L, Fivez, K.. & Van Soom, C. (2016), Academisch Schrijven. Een praktische gids. Leuven: Acco
PowerPoint presentations
Sample material: handouts with exercises, also available via Toledo
- presentations during lectures
- recommended websites and learning platform on academic writing
- digital writing tool ILT

Most of the interaction moments are seminars and practical sessions in which students actively work with texts and text fragments. In addition there will be a number of lectures. The major part of the material is to be processed during the interactive exercises and seminars. The PowerPoint presentations are available on Toledo.


Evaluation: Academic Dutch (B-KUL-F2WB7a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

In the first exam period the evaluation consists of three parts:
- Permanent evaluation in the form of two compulsory exercises (on style and structure). If they are handed in on time, 1 point can be earned.
- A receptive evaluation in November (/6)
- A productive evaluation in December (/13)

In the third examination period, the evaluation only consists of the component productive evaluation.

This exam takes place during the third examination period and consists of a rewriting exercise and/or a productive writing exercise.