History of Ancient Law (B-KUL-F0LE2A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
4 ECTSDutch26 First term
This course is not taught this academic year, but will be taught next year. This course is not taught this academic year, but will be taught next year.
POC Geschiedenis

In this course students will try to understand the antique society better via the study of law. A second goal is to acquire insight into the after-effects that still have an impact today.

General knowledge of the history of the Antiquity. Knowledge of the European basic languages Latin and Greek is desired, but not compulsory.


4 ects. History of Ancient Law (B-KUL-F0LE2a)

4 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Geschiedenis

In a general introduction these subjects are addressed: determination and classification of the law, the sources of law in general (with special attention to the big codifications from history) and the big contemporary law systems (among others the Islamic law). Chapter I discusses the history of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Hebrew, Greek, Hellennistic (typical example of law pluralism) and Roman law. Chapter II discusses the sources of Greek, Hellenistic (Ptolemaic: both Greek and Egyptian) and Roman law. Chapter III discusses capita selecta from antique (primarily Roman) property law. Chapter IV disscusses the same topics for contract law (with references to the Belgian Civil Code). A short final chapter is devoted to personal and business securities.


Consistently updated syllabus “Nota’s bij de colleges Geschiedenis van het Antiek Recht”, made available by the member of the teaching staff.
Additional course material (explained during the lectures): C. Matheeussen en J.H.A. Lokin, Roma Perennis. Een selectie van Romeinsrechtelijke teksten in het licht van het hedendaagse recht, Leuven 1995.


Evaluation: History of Ancient Law (B-KUL-F2LE2a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral