Image & Iconography: Meaning in the Visual Arts (B-KUL-F0BB3A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch39 First term
Baert Barbara |  Kusters Liesbet (substitute)
POC Archeologie, Kunstwetenschappen en Musicologie (AKM)

  • Students can 'look' analytically, which leads to the description of an image using a correct methodical and substantive vocabulary.
  • Students know the role of image-analytical components such as composition and perspective and are familiar with iconographical issues such as the relationship between word and image and the 'tilting process' of (biblical) narrative prototypes in the image medium within their historical context.
  • Students know that the insight of the art historian and his task of interpreting begins when the image is adeaquately understood and articulated.

Passive knowledge of English and French


6 ects. Image & Iconography: Meaning in the Visual Arts (B-KUL-F0BB3a)

6 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture39 First term
Baert Barbara |  Kusters Liesbet (substitute)
POC Archeologie, Kunstwetenschappen en Musicologie (AKM)

Seeing is not the same as looking, as hearing is not the same as listening. Analytically looking at a work of art is something one can learn. The course ‘Image & Iconography: Meaning in the Visual Arts’ wants to guide students in acquiring the skill of analytical 'looking', which should lead to the description of an image. After all, the insight of the art historian and his task of interpreting begins where the image is adequately understood and articulated.

On the one hand, students learn about the role of image-analytical components such as composition and perspective and, on the other hand, about iconographical issues such as the relationship between word and image and the 'tilting process' of (biblical) narrative prototypes in the image medium within their historical context.

‘Image & Iconography: Meaning in the Visual Arts’ is a ground-breaking, propaedeutic and above all highly interactive course that combines the formal analysis with the substantive recognition of motifs on the basis of well-considered case studies.

  • PowerPoints with images on Toledo
  • reader on Toledo

Students are expected to actively attend classes and take notes.


Evaluation: Image & Iconography: Meaning in the Visual Arts (B-KUL-F2BB3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The modalities are identical in the third examination session.