Spanish Linguistics III (B-KUL-F0AP2A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
8 ECTSSpanish52 Second term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

This course addresses some of the of the major current issues in Spanish linguistics and guides students in making their own research contribution that is relevant to one of those issues. The learning objectives for this course are:

  • Students improve linguistic reflection on controversial issues of Spanish grammar and the historical development of Spanish, and focus on cognitive-functional mechanisms and discourse traditions;
  • Students investigate and analyze syntactic variation as an essential dimension of the language system, and correctly assess grammatical alternations.
  • Students indicate the relativity of logical and normative models and take a critical attitude towards existing ideas formulated in the Spanish linguistic literature;
  • Students process and analyze corpus data, draw correct conclusions from their analysis, and report on the results obtained in academically appropriate language forms and proficiency levels B2 (oral language skills) and C1 (written language skills), according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Students have been familiarized from BA2 with the structure of written language and are able to analyze the interplay of language norm and language usage.

Students are expected to have passed Spanish Linguistics 1 and Spanish Linguistics 2, which corresponds to attaining the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


4 ects. Spanish Linguistics III: Synchronic Part (B-KUL-F0AP2a)

4 ECTSSpanishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Students work, on the one hand, with a selection of texts (articles, essays and transcripts of spoken discourse) and, on the other, with existing linguistic analyses. In the grammatical analysis of texts, special attention is paid to the criteria and arguments that lead to formulating rules, and drawing conclusions and extrapolations. Usage frequency is taken into account, and the semantic implications of the observed variation are discussed in detail.

The theoretical framework followed is cognitive-functional and constructivist.

Schematic overview of the topics covered:

  • Passive constructions
  • The non–periphrastic gerund​
  • Variable word order: SV / VS
  • Future forms
  • The demonstrative system
  • Insubordination


  • Delbecque, Nicole, Danny Masschelein & Patricia Vanden Bulcke. 2014. Gramática española aplicada. Voz activa, pasiva, media en español. Mechelen: Plantyn.
  • Scientific articles for every topic dealt with as well as supplementary material such as schemas and PPTs will be provided (via Toledo).


In class there is a alternation between theoretical reflections (lectures and interaction between teacher and students) and practical applications (analysis of authentic texts on an individual basis or in groups). The methods include (1) working with data sets and compiling a minicorpus, (2) presentations of empirical studies by students with interactive discussion and (3) discussions about questions based on required readings.

4 ects. Spanish Linguistics III: Diachronic Part (B-KUL-F0CD5a)

4 ECTSSpanishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Students work, on the one hand, with a selection of texts (articles, essays and transcripts of spoken discourse) and, on the other, with existing linguistic analyses. In the grammatical analysis of the texts, special attention is paid to the criteria and arguments that lead to formulating rules, and drawing conclusions and extrapolations. Usage frequency is taken into account, and the semantic implications of the observed variation are discussed in detail.

The theoretical framework followed is cognitive-functional and constructivist.

Schematic overview of the diachronic topics covered:

  • Periodization of the history of the Spanish language
  • Historical phonology and phonological variation in the Spanish-speaking world
  • Paradigmatic change and grammaticalization: the noun and verb phrase
  • Diatopic variation and discourse traditions

  • Pons Rodríguez, Lola. 2010. La lengua de ayer: manual práctico de historia del español. Madrid: Arco Libros.
  • Voor de behandelde thema’s worden wetenschappelijke artikels en aanvullend materiaal zoals schema’s en PPTs voorzien (op Toledo).

In class there is a alternation between theoretical reflections (lectures and interaction between teacher and students) and practical applications (analysis of authentic texts on an individual basis or in groups). The methods include (1) working with data sets and compiling a minicorpus, (2) presentations of empirical studies by students with interactive discussion and (3) discussions about questions based on required readings.


Evaluation: Spanish Linguistics III (B-KUL-F2AP2a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

For this OPO there are two separate oral exams during the exam period.

An individual paper must be submitted for the synchronic part (10/20). The oral exam deals with the topics that have been covered during the course of the semester, and is based on the submitted paper and on questions relevant to the discussed literature. Students are given preparation time.

For the diachronic part (10/20), the student writes a paper in which he/she carries out a series of analyzes of phonological and morphosyntactic phenomena. He/she bases this on a corpus of historical texts that he/she has compiled himself/herself. During the oral exam, the student answers questions about the analyzes carried out, and comments on the phonology and morphosyntax of a previously unseen text fragment. Students are given preparation time.

If a student fails one of the parts (synchronic or diachronic), he/she must obtain at least 8/20 for that part to pass the course.

In the second exam session the grade is composed identically as in the first session. The papers are to be submitted in a revised form two weeks before the oral exams.