French: Proficiency II (B-KUL-F0AG6A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
8 ECTSFrench56 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Taal- en letterkunde

The overall aim of the course is to develop the students' proficiency of French equalling level C1 (level of the advanced user as specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This means they command the lexical, grammatical and discursive elements that are necessary for the following skills: to be able to follow extant arguments regardig abstract and complex subjects, to understand complex texts in a detailed way, to be able to make detailed and precise descriptions with respect to complex subjects and to give an oral presentation on that matter, to be able to express themselves in a fluent and spontaneous way, and to be able to write clear, well structured texts about complex topics.

More specifically:

1. Oral proficiency
The student is expected to acquire an unmarked pronounciation of French. He/she is able to identify pronounciation errors typical of speakers of Dutch, and to correct them. He/she can make a structured oral presentation in French on a general subject.

2. Written language proficiency
The proficiency for written language allows the student to write a coherent text and to expand the grammatical concept apparatus.

3. Vocabulary
Further systematic enrichment of French vocabulary will be reached through personal work, frequent tests, and exercises on proficiency of written and oral language.

4. Grammar and spelling
The student is proficient in French grammar and spelling, en is able to solve grammatical problems correctly.

The student has a proficiency of the French language as determined in the final requirements of the course French Proficiency of "Frans: Taal en Tekst I", implying the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. For written language proficiency, the student is therefore able to write a letter in French, as well as a text that describes data or summarizes an article. Concerning oral proficiency the student is able to easily participate in a conversation in French, using an adequate language level.

This course is identical to the following courses:
V0AG6A : French: Proficiency II


2.5 ects. French: Proficiency II, Part 1a: Oral Proficiency (B-KUL-F0AD9a)

2.5 ECTSFrenchFormat: Practical26 Both terms
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Students participate in a tandem project organized in collaboration with UCLouvain. Partnerships are formed with the students of the LGERM1337 course of the Faculté de philosophie, arts et lettres of Louvain-la-Neuve. Participants plan at least ten meetings, spread over the entire academic year. An alternative route is organized for students who are prevented from participating in the tandem project.
In addition, all students participate in conversation exercises, also aiming at a correct pronunciation.

2.5 ects. French: Proficiency II, Part 1b: Writing (B-KUL-F0AG5a)

2.5 ECTSFrenchFormat: Practical14 Both terms
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Exercises will be made regarding the synthesis of a file of texts and the writing of an essay, with special focus on the logical text structure and its instruments (textual connectors, "organisateurs discursifs", but also punctuation).
Scientific discourse will also be studied, as a preparation of the bachelorpaper.

The following activities are organised:

  • progressively built up exercises around summarising information, resulting in the synthesis of a file of texts
  • exercises on argumentation
  • exercises on scientific texts: analysis and practising of the techniques that are applied when writing a scientific text

(Obligatory) Course text available at Acco: M. Goyens, Expression écrite.

Additional exercises are available on the platform Toledo.

The learning activity concerns the acquisition of the French language.

Text analysis; structuring of text contents; text writing: summaries of text files; argumentative texts; scientific texts.


2 ects. French: Proficiency II, Part 1b: Lexicon (B-KUL-F0AG4a)

2 ECTSFrenchFormat: Assignment10 Both terms
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Exercises on collocations and verbal expressions; systematic exercices regarding relevant semantic fields.  

  • (Obligatory) Fischer, Wolfgang et Le Plouhinec, Anne-Marie. 2014. Mots et contexte. Almere/Antwerpen : Intertaal.
  • (Obligatory) Les locutions verbales (fascicule d’exercices sur Toledo)
  • (Obligatory) Les expressions figurées (fascicule d'exercices et corrigés sur Toledo)
  • (Obligatory) de Saint Moulin, Gaétan. 2012. L’oiseau fait son nid. Dossiers pour le perfectionnement du lexique. Leuven: Acco. 
  • (Obligatory) Desmet, P., Klein, J.R., Lamiroy, B. 1993. Vous Dites?! Répertoire d’erreurs courantes en français chez les néerlandophones, Leuven : Acco.

1 ects. French: Proficiency II: Grammar and Spelling (B-KUL-F0YE4a)

1 ECTSFrenchFormat: Assignment6 Both terms
POC Taal- en letterkunde

On the level of the sentence, the course will revolve around translations, with special attention for the construction of verbs and adjectives, the order of sentence constituents, structure varation of the simplex.
Furthermore, grammatical issues of the course French: Proficiency I are picked up and, for some of them, the exercices go in depth.

(Obligatory) Gaétan de SAINT MOULIN, Michèle GOYENS. Grammaire et orthographe. Leuven, Acco.

Exercices available via Toledo.

Language course

Exercices aiming at the improvement of the command of grammar and spelling. 


Evaluation: French: Proficiency II (B-KUL-F2AG6a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Learning material : Course material

• F0AD9a Oral Language Proficiency and Pronunciation: oral evaluation during the January session (1/4 of the mark) and during the last week of classes (3/4 of the mark). The scoring of the oral exams also takes into account pronunciation. To participate in these two evaluation moments, students must submit a portfolio in advance with at least 5 new activities from the tandem course or other activities in French each time.

• F0AG5a Written Language Proficiency: continuous assessment during the semesters; the grading for this OLA consists of the following elements: 1/4 for the exam (December), 3/4 for the exam at the end of the 2nd semester (May).

• F0AG4a Lexicon: continuous assessment, written, 6 tests throughout the academic year. The grading consists of the average of the tests for the continuous assessment.

• F0YE4a Grammar and Spelling: written evaluation during the exam period (January and June).

It is mandatory to participate in all components of the exams.

When determining the result per OLA for Language and Text II, the weights are established as follows:

OLA 1: Oral Language Proficiency – Pronunciation Correction > 30%

OLA 2: Written Language Proficiency > 30%

OLA 3: Lexicon > 25%

OLA 4: Grammar and Spelling > 15%

To pass, one must achieve 10/20 in at least 3 OLAs and at least 8/20 in the other OLA. Otherwise, the final result is equal to the weighted total, with a maximum of 9/20.

The weight of the OLA’s and the conditions to pass remain the same as in the first exam opportunity. The results of modules for which a minimum mark of 12/20 was obtained in June may be kept for the third session.