French Linguistics II (B-KUL-F0AF9A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSFrench41 First term
Goyens Michèle (coordinator) |  Goyens Michèle |  Lahousse Karen |  Vangaever Jasper (substitute)
POC Taal- en letterkunde

The objectives of this course are:

- to introduce students to French linguistics as a scientific discipline (sources, databases, citation, etc);

- to teach concepts that allow students to observe, categorise and situate linguistic facts;

- to teach students to work with a basic reference work of French linguistics.

The specific objectives for the syntax section are:

- to analyse the morphosyntax and semantics of the verb and verb tenses;

- to analyse variations on canonical word order;

- applying concepts of text grammar and information structure (theme-rheme structure);

- conducting corpus research and writing a small paper.

The specific objectives for the phonetics section are:

- to obtain an analytical observation of the pronunciation of French, both in French speakers and non-French speakers;

- to master the articulatory description of speech sounds and its terminology, both in general and applied to French, including prosody;

- the ability to apply general methods of analysis from phonology to pronunciation phenomena in contemporary French;

- the ability to recognise and correct elements of marked pronunciation of French.

The student that enrolls for this course has a proficiency of the French language as determined in the final requirements of the course French Proficiency of "Frans: Taal en Tekst I", implying the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. For written language proficiency, the student is therefore able to write a letter in French, as well as a text that describes data or summarizes an article. Concerning oral proficiency the student is able to easily participate in a conversation in French, using an adequate language level.

The students have a basic education in the analysis of modern French, especially in the field of grammar.

This course is identical to the following courses:
V0AF9A : French Linguistics II


4.5 ects. French Linguistics II: Syntax (B-KUL-F0AF4a)

4.5 ECTSFrenchFormat: Lecture30 First term
Lahousse Karen |  Vangaever Jasper (substitute)
POC Taal- en letterkunde

This course covers the following topics:

- analyse de corpus en linguistique française;

- la syntaxe transphrastique (structure de l'information) et les manipulations de la phrase (passif, causatif, impersonnel, dislocation, clivage, etc.) ;

- temps, aspect, modalité, morphosyntaxe et sémantique du verbe.

(Verplicht) Riegel, Martin; Pellat, Jean-Christophe; Rioul, René. 2021. Grammaire méthodique du français. Paris: PUF.

(Aangeraden) Le Petit Robert

Syllabus and Powerpoint presentations (on Toledo)

Exercises on Toledo

The classes present an alternation of presentations by the professor and exercises to which the students actively participate.

1.5 ects. French Linguistics II: Phonetics and Phonology (B-KUL-F0AF7a)

1.5 ECTSFrenchFormat: Lecture11 First term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

This course covers the following topics.

  • Brush-up of the techniques used in phonetic transcriptions
  • The syllable
  • Prosody: general concepts and detailed application to French
  • Pronunciation phenomena in contemporary French and their treatment in phonology.

  • (Obligatory) Mertens, P. 2020. Phonétique, phonologie et prosodie du français. Leuven: Acco.


Evaluation: French Linguistics II (B-KUL-F2AF9a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Paper/Project, Skills test
Learning material : Course material, Reference work

OLA "Syntaxis": written exam during the examination period (7/20) + paper (7/20). Students have to submit their paper to be allowed to participate to the exam. Students who do not submit the paper get the mention NA (“niet afgelegd”).

For this part, the student may use an explicative dictionary of French (e.g. Petit Robert), Riegel, Martin; Pellat, Jean-Christophe; Rioul, René. 2021. Grammaire méthodique du français. Paris: PUF and all slides and notes.


OLA "Fonetiek en fonologie" (6/20): oral exam during the examination period.

Students who do not pass the whole OPO have to retake the exam for both OLAs. To be able to participate to the exam of the OLA "Syntaxis", the student should resubmit the (potentially modified) paper.