Mathematics for Economists (TEW) (B-KUL-D0T00B)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
7 ECTSDutch66 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Schoutens Wim (coordinator) |  Poedts Stefaan |  Schoutens Wim |  Van Assche Walter |  Degryse Eline (cooperator) |  Vanhaecht Lies (cooperator)  | LessMore
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

Teaching students the basic mathematical techniques necessary to understand business applications of mathematics. The course consists of a  concise introduction to mathematical analysis, linear algebra and Euclidean geometry.

4 hours or more of mathematics on secondary-school level is advisable.



Prerequisite sequence

The student has following courses (or equivalents):

* successfully finished: /

* finished: /

* at least taken simultaneously: /

This course is identical to the following courses:
D0W10A : Mathematics for Business Economists (TEW)
D0T00A : Mathematics for Economists


2.25 ects. Mathematics for Economists (part 1) (B-KUL-D0T00a)

2.25 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture20 First term
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

The following topics will be covered in part 1:


Module 1: Language of mathematics

Module 2: Sets of numbers

Module 3: Functions

Module 4: Sequences and limits of sequences

Module 5: Linear functions

Module 6: Linear equations

Module 7: Matrix algebra

Module 8: Determinants

Module 9: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Module 10: Geometry of R² and R³


Applications and examples will be presented throughout the course.






Used course material:


A (Dutch) course text is available.

Quaegebeur, J., Schoutens, W., Tanriöven, N., & Vandereyt, P. (2018). Wiskunde voor economen: Concepten en technieken uit lineaire algebra. Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven.

Slides, which will be uploaded on Toledo



Toledo is being used for this learning activity

Lectures with assignments during the lecture

2.25 ects. Mathematics for Economists (part 2) (B-KUL-D0Q08a)

2.25 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture20 Second term
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

The following topics will be covered in part 2 (2nd semester)


Module 11: Trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions

Module 12: Continuity and limits of functions

Module 13: Differential calculus of functions of one variable

Module 14: Differential calculus of functions of several variables

Module 15: Optimisation

Module 16: Integration

In all parts, attention is paid to applications and illustrations.




Used course material:

  • course text, notes, supplemented with exercises in practical sessions


  • Toledo is being used for this learning activity


Lecture with active contribution of the students


1.5 ects. Mathematics for Economists: Tutorial (B-KUL-D0N14a)

1.5 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical13 Both terms
Poedts Stefaan |  Schoutens Wim |  Degryse Eline (cooperator) |  Vanhaecht Lies (cooperator)
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

See course ‘Mathematics for Economists’

See course ‘Mathematics for Economists’

Seminar with active contribution of students.

The students prepare a few preparation tasks and are willing to propose solutions or attempts at solution for the preparation tasks and to comment on the solutions that were proposed by your fellow students.

1 ects. Mathematics (for Law Students): Exercises (B-KUL-C01C2a)

1 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical13 First term
Poedts Stefaan |  Degryse Eline (cooperator) |  Vanhaecht Lies (cooperator)
POC Rechten


    Evaluation: Mathematics for Economists (TEW) (B-KUL-D2T00b)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

    Determination exam result

    * The exam is assessed by the holder(s), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is calculated and formulated as a whole number, the maximum being 20.

    Evaluation third examination period

    * The student is able to participate in the exam twice per academic year: the first time in the first/second examination period, according to the semester in which the course is programmed, and a second time during the third examination period.

    Exam Features

    * The exam consists of open questions and multiple choice questions.