Philosophy and Ethics (B-KUL-D0R73A)
1. To familiarize students with specific philosofical problems and modes of reasoning, and with the most important models of ethical argumentation.
2. To encourage students to reflect on modern and contemporary views of science, ethics, politics and economics.
3. To enable students to develop a more profound reflection on their individual lives and important current social issues.
Previous knowledge
No specific prior knowledge is required for this course, only an attitude of intellectual curiosity and an openness to new views.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
D0I86A : Philosophy and Ethics
D0T25A : Philosophy and Ethics
D0E64A : Philosophy and Ethics
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Philosophy and Ethics (B-KUL-D0R73a)

This course does not offer a historical introduction to philosophy, but discusses in a thematic way philosophical thinkers, ideas and movements that remain relevant for a critical approach to science, society and economy. The course is built around two pillars: scientific theory and moral judgement.
After a general introduction to the uniqueness of the philosophical method, classes will deal with certain philosophical themes. These themes are: truth and validity, scientific explanation, economic rationality, causality and regularity, value theory and the good life, normative ethics, justice and redistribution, meta-ethics and the objectivity of moral judgement.
Evaluation: Philosophy and Ethics (B-KUL-D2R73a)
Determining the exam result
The exam is assessed by the lecturer(s), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as a whole number on 20.
Evaluation third examination period
The student has the opportunity to participate in the exam twice per academic year: the first time in the first or second examination period, according to the semester in which the course is scheduled, and a second time in the third examination period.
The evaluation characteristics of the third examination period are identical to those of the first or second examination period
Exam features
The exam consists of open questions.