Economic Aspects of Competition (B-KUL-D0M03B)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch39 Second term
POC Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde

By the end of this course students must be able to independently form an economic opinion on a competition file. More in concrete, this can be about a fusion or violation of a competition rule. Students must be able to operate according to modelling work and this both on the field of concepts and empirical fulfillment.


Student are taught to judge fusions, both in homogenous good markets as in markets with product differentiation. Oligopoly models in all their technical mathematical details are studied with this in mind. Being able to execute simulations is pursuited. This implies implementing theoretical developments and estimating econometrical systems.

Students must have taken following courses (or equivalents)
Basic knowledge of econometrics and statistics is recommended.


6 ects. Economic Aspects of Competition (B-KUL-D0M03a)

6 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture39 Second term
POC Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde

In this course, the performance of departments is evaluated based on the criteria of static and dynamic efficiency (technological advancement). The acceptability of fusions and the implications of certain types of behaviour against which complaints may be formulated within the legal framework of competition demands is studied. This is accompanied by problems which inherently have an information-economical nature: “advertising” and consumer information, information problems when implementing a competition and innovation policy.
Finally, if time allows, regulation of public corporations with private
information regarding costs is studied. This last topic may be the subject of
one of the individual study assignments.

A number of texts such as Van Cayseele (1994) and Whinston (2006) are to be read background material. Additional overhead screens may be made available through Toledo. Articles from magazines which deal with the course material to be known will be handed out.


Evaluation: Economic Aspects of Competition (B-KUL-D2M03b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written

Determining exam result

The exam is assessed by the teacher (s), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as a whole number on 20.

Evaluation third examination period

The student has the opportunity to participate in the exam twice per academic year: the first time in the first or second examination period, according to the semester in which the course is scheduled, and a second time in the third examination period.

The evaluation characteristics of the third examination period are similar to those of the first or second examination period.