Buddhism (B-KUL-A05C0A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
4 ECTSDutch26 Second term
This course is taught this academic year, but not next year. This course is taught this academic year, but not next year.
Facultaire POC Theologie en Religiewetenschappen

At the end of this course:

  • students have a basic understanding of the history, institutions, doctrines, rituals, and spirituality of Buddhism
  • the student is also able to get the lived experience of what Buddhism teaches
  • students will understand that Buddhism is a religion with a specific theology
  • students will have a better perspective on how Buddhism relates to other religious traditions and how it differs from them
  • students will understand to what extent Japanese culture has been influenced by Buddhist spirituality, especially by Shingon

No specific prerequisites.

This course is identical to the following courses:
A02C9A : Buddhism (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. Buddhism (B-KUL-A05C0a)

4 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture26 Second term
Facultaire POC Theologie en Religiewetenschappen

  • The background and concise history of Buddhism
  • The three great Buddhist traditions: Theravada - Mahayana - Vajrayana
  • The four noble truths and their relation to karmic acts
  • Buddhist ritual meditation of the Yoga and the Three Mysteries
  • The power of the Dharma world
  • Becoming a Buddha in this body
  • Buddhist-Christian theological dialogue
  • Shingon esoteric Buddhism and Japanese culture

Shingon Mysticism, a Christian introduction to the mystical worldview of Shingon Buddhism (Peter Baekelmans, Koyasan Publishing, 2006, 171 pages)

This book is made available via Toledo. Students can prepare themselves by reading the pages that will be discussed in class beforehand.

Other reading material will be made available throughout the course.


Discussion - Group assignment - Presentation - Traditional lecture

This course mainly consists of lectures where the professor explains the world of Buddhism. To get a better understanding of Buddhist thought there will be room for discussion with students about certain topics. To get a more realistic perspective on Buddhism an excursion will be organised near the end of the course to two esoteric Buddhist temples.


Evaluation: Buddhism (B-KUL-A25C0a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : None

The students receive a list of ten possible exam questions in advance. At the exam they draw one question. Then, the student has 15 minutes for a written preparation. An answer in full sentences is expected. During the oral discussion of that written answer additional question are asked. The examination discussion lasts about 15 minutes. The examinator will hold on to the written preparation after the exam.

The written answer to the main question and the oral answers to the additional questions will be assessed according to the following criteria: the degree to which the answers show knowledge and insight in the course material, the degree to which the answers are structured in a logical manner, the degree to which the answers are personal, critical and at the same time self-critical as well as the degree to which the answers show openness to other religious and philosophical traditions. Active participation during the contact moments and the excursion will be taken into account as well for the determination of the final result for this course (10% of the final result).

The precise modes of examination for self-study and working students can be found in the study guide of the self-study packet.