Corporate Risk Management and Option Techniques (B-KUL-Y05127)
This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.3 (CF + FM) formulates solutions and advice regarding finance related operational problems taking into account the institutional context and the uncertainty of the corporate environment the organization is operating in.
- Identifies, analyses/quantifies, exploits/monitors risks in real life corporate problems
- assesses the appropriateness of financial derivatives (options, warrants, convertible debt,…) in corporate financial decision making and applies it to real life corporate examples
2.1 (CF + FM) analyses strategic financial challenges taking into account the firm specific corporate financial characteristics, the stakeholders involved (managers, shareholders, employees, financial markets and institutions, governments,…) and the institutional context the organization is operating in.
- Recognizes and analyses the risk behavior of and conflicts between all actors in the corporate environment
2.2 (FM) uses a scientific method based on normative as well as descriptive financial theories to take a position with regard to current societal issues and the strategic implications they entail for corporations.
2.3 (CF) formulates solutions and advice regarding strategic financial decision making under uncertainty using insights from corporate finance theories and applying corporate finance methodology taking into account firm characteristics, the stakeholders involved and the institutional context the organization is operating in.
- understands the role of option based techniques at the various stages of investment analysis and financing policy
3.1 (CF + FM) plans, organizes, evaluates and optimizes business processes and strategic decision making by owners and managers w.r.t. (company/project) valuation, (entrepreneurial) financing, (strategic) financial management and corporate governance, taking into account the conditional interdependencies among all aspects of corporate financial decision making under uncertainty.
- Formulates an advice on how companies could use option-based products in order to diminish or avert agency conflicts between owners and managers of between owners and debtors of a companies
- Adapts traditional investment criteria to cope with investment decisions under severe uncertainty using real options
4.1 (CF+ FM) outlines and interprets current trends in theory and practice of corporate financial management
- Assesses why certain derivatives fall into and out of grace of the market depending on market circumstances.
- Links recent trends in corporate finance research to the evolution of financial products and financial analysis tools
10.3 (CF + FM) reflects critically on the influence of recent evolutions and innovations in corporate finance on strategic financial decision making under uncertainty.
- Assesses benefits as well as costs of using option based techniques in financial decision making.
- Assesses benefits as well as costs of using option based derivatives in corporate risk management
11.1 Is aware of the rapidly evolving knowledge society that he/she will enter and therefore understands the need for maintenance and improvement of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences.
- Links innovation in option pricing in the evolution of risk management
Previous knowledge
This is an advanced course requiring good understanding in the general theory of corporate finance, investment finance and financial statistics.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) 60 ects.
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) (Track: Corporate Finance) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) (Specialisatie: Financieel management) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Antwerp)
6 ects. Corporate Risk Management and Option Techniques (B-KUL-Y55127)
The course consists of 2 separate modules, corporate risk management and corporate applications of option techniques:
Corporate risk management
Firms act in a risky business environment. Understanding the risks that (non-financial) corporates face is critical in assessing its risk exposures and to determine the appropriate actions that can be considered in order to manage these risks. In this part, we first review the types of risk and discuss why risk management matter. We subsequently examine the approaches and financial instruments for handling various (financial) risk exposures, including foreign exchange, interest rate, and counterparty credit risk. The practical relevance will be illustrated by means of exercises, real-life examples and business case(s).
By the end of the course, the student has (i) a sound oversight of the various risk sources faced by firms and is able to (ii) identify & analyze its risk exposures and (iii) propose adequate solutions to manage and mitigate these (financial) risk exposures.
Depending on the subject to be discussed, students may have to prepare the interactive lecture (e.g. introductory texts, exercises, …). Slides and other study material will be made available electronically (Toledo). This ex-ante list of contents is conditional to changes during the academic year.
Corporate applications of option techniques
The use of option techniques in a corporate environment allow for a better understanding of risk related behaviour by important stakeholders (managers, shareholders, employees,…) of the company. It also enables decision makers to incorporate the value of operational as well as financial (in)flexibility into their project evaluation. As such, it complements more traditional corporate finance (valuation) techniques.
In contrast to traditional tools as static discounted cash flow analysis, real options analysis is an approach to managerial decision making that always assumes that managers maximize the market value of projects and they use all the available information when making decisions, in particular when managing projects that involve dynamic and state contingent choices among alternatives (options), such as, expanding/reducing manufacturing capacity, investing in new products or technology, suspending production, and mothballing a plant. The resulting valuation and managerial decisions can thus be very different when real options analysis is used rather than static discounted cash flow analysis.
The course provides the student with a set of essential tools for understanding and applying (real) options techniques to corporate problems. In particular, the course:
- Addresses how to deal with uncertainty of innovative corporate projects where the “unknown unknowns” are more important than the “known unknowns”
- Provides insights in how to recognize operational and financial flexibility in real life corporate decisions and value it accordingly using (real)option techniques.
- will help understanding and explaining the risk behavior of and conflicts between all actors in the corporate environment.
- Focusses on the importance of financial derivatives (options, warrants, convertible debt,…) in corporate financial decision making and applies it to real life corporate examples
Course material
Compulsory course material
- Handouts from our sessions (Toledo)
- Research papers (Toledo)
- Cass studies and real life examples (Toledo)
Recommended Course Material
(only as extra background reading material): Multinational business finance : David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill, Michael H. Moffett, Ed. 11 or higher
Format: more information
To be able to successfully take this course, students should actively participate during the sessions. In addition, students have to read, understand and think critically about the financial research papers and corporate case studies used in class.
Evaluation: Corporate Risk Management and Option Techniques (B-KUL-Y75127)
Features of the evaluation
Written, closed book exam that consist of 2 parts:
Corporate risk management (50% of the overall grade): Written, closed book examination
Corporate applications of option techniques (50% of the overall grade): Written, closed book examination
Determination of the final grade
The final grade is a weighted score and consists of:
Corporate risk management that counts for 50% of the total score and Corporate applications of option techniques that counts for 50% of the total score.
The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.
Second examination opportunity
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above. The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.
For all parts, the examination is written, closed book and counts for 100% of the total grade.
Exam contract (1st and 2nd exam opportunity)
The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20. For all parts, the examination is written, closed book and counts for 100% of the total grade.