Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management (B-KUL-Y00678)
This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.1 (IZ+PL) analyses strategic international business operational problems and questions taking into account the specific business context.
1.4 (PL) reflects in a critical spirit about the internal context of the organisations and about how global logistics and port management affects the internal context in such a way as to increase overal efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in a global environment.
2.1 (IZ+PL) analyses strategic international business problems and questions taking into account the specific business context, the stakeholders involved, and the broader international environment in which the company operates.
2.2 (IZ+PL) formulates, based on scientific knowledge on and insight into the international business environment, a well-founded solution for strategic and operational international business problems and questions and when doing so, takes into account the specific business context.
2.4 (IZ) can take a reasoned stance concerning actual societal and global problems as well as the globalisation topic in general, based on scientific knowledge and insights in 'International Business'.
2.4 (PL) adopts, based on knowledge and insight in ‘Global logistics and port management’, a conclusive position with respect to current social problems in a global logistical environment.
2.5 (PL) reflects in a critical spirit about the external context of the organisations and about how global logistics and port management affects the internal context in such a way as to increase overal efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in a global environment.
2.6 (IZ+PL) takes into account the specific context of an international port city and the international and logistic opportunities it involves / brings allong.
4.1 (IZ+PL) reflects critically on the forces playing in the international / global context of organisations that affect the economy.
4.2 (IZ+PL) interprets and analyses trends in international business and takes a well-founded position about societal global themes, taking into account the consequences for all stakeholders.
4.4 (IZ+PL) carefully monitors today's debate on globalisation and the related news headlines.
4.5 (PL) reflects critically on topics in supply chain strategy, multi modal transport, port management and port economics, and follows closely trends.
5.6 synthesizes research results acquired on the basis of a critical analysis (and integration) of information from relevant sources and data, and substantiates solutions for a complex management problem or social question.
7.5 is critical and not afraid to question himself/herself and his/her environment.
8.1 formulates, as a member of a team, the interdisciplinary problem that is at the basis of the project, analyses the content of the project, the circumstances surrounding the project and factors that will influence the course of the project, and uses this information to formulate the (general) goals of the project.
9.3 communicates convincingly, shortly and concisely his/her vision and actions in different contexts and accounts for his/her choices, both in speaking and writing.
9.4 substantiates clearly and convincingly.
10.1 (PL) keeps his / her knowledge of global logistics and port management related themes up-to-date on the basis of practical as well as policy oriented, legal and scientific information.
10.2 (PL) integrates policy-oriented, legal, scientific andf practice-based, hands-on information about specific global logistics problems and takes a solid and fully reasoned position concerning the relevance of the particular theme for the business context.
10.3 (IZ+PL) reflects critically on how important evolutions and innovations on the international market can be translated into the policy of internationally oriented organisations, thereby taking into account the specific business context.
More information
The student
- Understands the organisation of logistical processes
- Describes the different aspects of port management and understand the problems and possibilities of multimodal transport
Previous knowledge
There is no specific preknowledge for this course.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) 60 ects.
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) (Track: Global Logistics and Port Management) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) (Specialisatie: Internationaal zakenwezen) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Antwerp)
6 ects. Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management (B-KUL-Y50324)
Course material
Toledo is being used for this learning activitiy
Compulsory Course Material
Slides will be provided on Toledo
Recommended Course Material
Slides will be provided on Toledo
Evaluation: Multimodal Freight Transport and Port Management (B-KUL-Y70678)
Features of the evaluation
The evaluation of this course consists of a written exam, a paper and a presentation. The deadline of the paper will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via Toledo.
Determination of final grades
The final grade is a weighted score and consists of:
- The compulsory paper and presentation will be graded for 20% of the final grade
- The written exam will be graded for 80% of the final grade.
The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.
If the student does not participate in one (or more) of the partial evaluations, the grades for these partial evaluations will be a 0-grade within the calculations of the final grade.
Second examination opportunity
The features of the evaluation and/or the determination of grades differ between the first and second examination opportunity: the grades for the compulsory paper will be taken to the second examination opportunity
Information about retaking exams
See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.