Research Seminar: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture (B-KUL-W0R23A)

The purpose of the seminar is to deepen reflection and analysis in aesthetics and the philosophy of culture. This is done by reading and discussing important texts taken from diverse traditions within philosophical aesthetics, art-historical theories on specific arts, and philosophical analyses of modernity in different cultures.
At the end of the course students should be able to
- work their way through substantive primary literature on the topics investigated;
- give a good and attractive presentation concerning such texts, while at the same time developing a personal account of and view on its contents and relevance;
- orally discuss such a text as well as the views developed in their presentation within the context of the seminar;
- actively and constructively discuss the presentations given by the other students in the seminar;
- compare and contrast the several authors and texts discussed as well as other important views in the field;
- write a well-argued substantive paper based on the presentation and/or other relevant texts, and in the course of which the students are able to show that they have learned from the discussions during the seminar.
Previous knowledge
Students have studied philosophy on the Masters level. They should also have an interest in culture and the arts, as well as in philosophical reflection upon culture and art.
They should have a good knowledge of English: all primary readings are in English or in English translation. Mastery of other languages as far as reading abilities are concerned is a plus, relative to the ability to read primary texts in other languages when applicable, and if useful compare them to the English translation.
Is included in these courses of study
- Research Master of Philosophy (Abridged Programme) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Research Master of Philosophy (Abridged Programme) (Leuven) (Major Metaphysics and Philosophy of Culture) 60 ects.
- Research Master of Philosophy (Leuven) (Major Analytic Philosophy) 120 ects.
- Research Master of Philosophy (Leuven) (Major Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy) 120 ects.
- Research Master of Philosophy (Leuven) (Major Metaphysics and Philosophy of Culture) 120 ects.
- Research Master of Philosophy (Leuven) (Major Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy) 120 ects.
- Research Master of Philosophy (Leuven) (Major Political Philosophy and Ethics) 120 ects.
8 ects. Research Seminar: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture (B-KUL-W0R23a)
The content of the seminar changes every year. Topic 2024-25: Ecstacy in Philosophy
We will explore the various ways in which philosophers have analyzed the concept of ecstacy. The following perspectives will be brought to the table: existentialism (Heidegger's ecstacy vs. Levinas's évasion), the religious roots of ecstacy (e.g. Irigaray and Bataille vs. mystic thought), philosophy and psychedelics, ecstacy and art (Benjamin on surrealism, Michaux, Deleuze on Bacon), ecstacy in politics and mass-movements (the roots of fascism).
This seminar will consist of reading and discussion-sessions and a series of guest-lectures.
Course material
Course Reader will be made available on Toledo.
Format: more information
This course consists of three parts that each focus on a specific aspect of the general topic of the research seminar. Each part, in turn, consists of three reading seminars and one workshop, in which students are asked to present their own research on the topic of the seminar. This presentation will serve as a blueprint for the final paper (word count: max. 7000 words) that has to be submitted at the end of the second semester (deadline: 30/06). Attendance to all seminars and workshops of all three parts is mandatory. Participants are expected to participate actively in the discussion and prepare the readings at home. Students are required to present their own research in at least one of the three workshops.
Evaluation: Research Seminar: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture (B-KUL-W2R23a)
Evaluation consists of 2 parts:
- Paper: 75% of the final grade
- Presentation: 25% of the final grade
By evaluating a paper and presentation, we can assess the skills of the student in reproducing, contextualising, understanding and applying the theories that were discussed.
- The subject of the final paper is based on the topic of the seminar and determined after discussion with the instructor. Max. 7000 words.
- The presentation takes place during one of the three workshops organized during the academic year.
Student who in the course of the academic year do not attend class as required (more than two sessions absent without legitimate reason) or who do not give the presentation will receive the NA result.
Students are required to inform themselves about the faculty guidelines with regard to plagiarism and bibliographical referencing.
Information about retaking exams
The second examination attempt is limited to (re)submitting the paper. Participation and/or presentation cannot be retaken. The student who in the course of the academic year did not attend class as required (more than two sessions absent without legitimate reason) or who did not give the presentation will again receive the NA result.