Visiting Seminar II (B-KUL-W0EP0A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

In academic year 2024-2025, the course will focus on Ancient Greek for philosophy students.

The objective of this seminar is to read Greek philosophical texts in their original language, by mastering fundamental elements and rules of Ancient Greek morphology and syntax. The main purpose is to make Greek texts easily enjoyable and accessible: linguistic knowledge is geared towards a broader understanding of Hellenic culture, and is conceived as a tool for immersing oneself in ancient civilisation and mentality.

By the end of the seminar, students have a good basic knowledge of Classical Greek. They are able to: translate simple texts with the help of a dictionary; identify key philosophical terms and comment on formal aspects of literary and philosophical texts.

Usual knowledge and skills for a master of philosophy student.


4 ects. Visiting Seminar II (B-KUL-W0EP0a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Second term
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

Ancient Greek for Philosophy Students

This seminar aims at providing a basic knowledge of Ancient Greek, with an emphasis on philosophical writings and language; it will be structured as follows:

  • all the main issues of Greek morphology and syntax will be explored; the students will gain a good command of grammar rules and basic vocabulary items, which will allow them to read and translate simple texts.
  • a selection of passages from literary and philosophical works will be examined; the students will be invited to reflect and comment on the linguistic and argumentative choices made by their authors.

Option A 2021-2022: Intercontinental Philosophy - Prof. Ernst Wolff

The selection of texts will be announced during the first meeting. 

Option B 2021-2022: Ancient Greek for Philosophy Students - Dr. Elsa Giovanna Simonetti

All materials will be provided by the teacher during the seminar.
Students will be invited to search for some additional material on their own, as part of the seminar’s assignments.


Lessons will promote the inclusive participation of all the students, and their constant interaction among them and with the teacher. Grammar rules, translations and issues related to Greek philosophical texts will be presented and analysed during in-class hours. Students will be regularly given at-home assignments, which will be discussed during the next class. Attendance of this seminar is therefore highly recommended. Extra sessions during office hours will be offered to students who could not attend a class.


Evaluation: Visiting Seminar II (B-KUL-W2EP0a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Skills test

Examination description

Students will be evaluated on the basis of:

  • A - presentation + essay (50%).
  • B - in-class written exam (50%).

A - Students will give a presentation on a topic of their choice among the ones proposed by the teacher. On this basis, they will write a short essay, which will be evaluated (50%).

B - At the end of the seminar, students will have a written test: they will be asked to translate, and comment on, a brief text, with the aid of a bilingual dictionary (50%).


Determination of the examination result

The final mark will be determined 50% on the in-class presentation + essay, and 50% on the in-class final test.

Students who, for a justified reason, cannot attend at least 3/4 of the seminar will have to inform the teacher at their earliest convenience, and agree another teaching/evaluation arrangement.

If students did not attend the course as required, did not give the presentation and/or did not take the test, they will receive the result 'not taken' (NA).

The second exam opportunity is limited to re-taking the written test. A second written test will be scheduled during the third examination period for the students who did not pass the in-class test. The mark of the in-class presentation will be retained.