Information Processing in Health Technology (B-KUL-T5IPHT)

5 ECTSEnglish44 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Vanrumste Bart (coordinator) |  Dupont Patrick |  Vanrumste Bart |  Filtjens Benjamin (cooperator)
OC Innovative Health Technology - Groep T


The amount of wearables and IoT devices is yearly growing. These devices are finding their way into healthcare applications. The data coming from the sensors of these devices are typically time-series data. For most traditional machine learning algorithms, the raw time series data cannot be processed directly.  Therefore, domain prior knowledge, feature engineering, and feature selection are critical to shaping the raw sensor data into interpretable information for a traditional machine learning algorithm. However, hand-crafted features can only be used in one application domain. Deep  learning (DL) techniques have outperformed traditional methods that rely on hand-crafted features in various domains. Owing to their large parametric space, deep learning techniques can infer relevant features directly from the raw input data.   In this course, the students will learn the theory and intuition behind various deep-learning algorithms. Furthermore, the students will learn how to apply state of the art machine learning models to a variety of challenging healthcare-related applications.

A specific information processing application in health care is medical imaging. It is a key technology in modern medicine and it is highly technology driven. Therefore, the students must understand the physical principles of the major medical imaging technologies such as MRI, CT, US, PET and SPECT and have a basic idea of the different major components of these modalities. They should also understand the reconstruction of images from the measured signals for each modality.  

• The student will learn to use publicly available healthcare-related datasets. (MP1)
• The students will learn feature selection and feature construction techniques. Normalization techniques are also often used here (MK1, MK2, MP1).
• The student will learn to implement machine learning tasks such as classification, regression or clustering tasks. She will apply these techniques to the dataset at hand (MK1, MK2, MI2, MP1).
• The student will learn to evaluate the performance of a machine learning task by looking at a precision-recall curve and inspecting the F-measures. She will also learn to evaluate and reduce the bias and variance of machine learning models (MK1, MK2, MI3, MP1).
• Finally, the student will report the findings of the different ML pipeline elements to the other students and write a paper with the most important findings. (MG2, MG3)
• For each major imaging technique (Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, X-ray Computed Tomography, Positron emission tomography and single photon emission tomography), the student knows the physical principles underlying each modality (MK1), the major components of each modality (MK1), and the basics of the reconstruction of images from the raw signals (MK1).


Knowledge of calculus, linear algebra and physics are preferable. The student needs to be able to program in MATLAB or PYTHON.


1 ects. Basics of Medical Imaging (B-KUL-5hIPHT)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture8 First term
OC Innovative Health Technology - Groep T

We will introduce the physical principles, the major components and the basics of reconstruction of images from the raw signal for the following major imaging techniques:

• Ultrasound
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• X-ray Computed Tomography
• Positron emission tomography
• Single photon emission tomography


Slides made available on the learning platform. 

4 ects. Deep Learning (B-KUL-5lIPHT)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture36 First term
OC Innovative Health Technology - Groep T

Basics of neural networks:

  • Binary classification
  • Gradient descent
  • Forward propagation
  • Activation function
  • Backpropagation

Deep neural networks:

  • Building blocks
  • Parameters vs hyperparameters
  • Train / development / test sets
  • Bias / variance
  • Regularization
  • Vanishing / exploding gradients
  • Mini-batch gradient descent
  • Adam optimization
  • Tuning hyperparameters
  • Batch normalization
  • Softmax regression
  • Error Analysis
  • Learning multiple tasks
  • End-to-end

Convolutional Neural Networks

  • 2D correlation
  • padding / stride
  • Pooling layers
  • Case studies
  • ResNets
  • Inception networks

Recurrent Neural networks

  • Different types of RNNs
  • Gated Recurrent Unit
  • Long short term memory unit
  • Bidirectional RNN


MOOC Andrew Ng Deep Learning. Own notes.

Labs in Jupyter notebook.

Computer session - Traditional lecture


Evaluation: Information processing in Health Technology (B-KUL-T71981)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Computer

OLA1: From Raw Sensor Data to Actionable Information in Health Applications 80%
First exam period the marks for this OLA are
• Lab project report (40%)
• Lab assignments portfolio (20%)
• Oral exam  (40%)

The student paper can be done in pairs of students or alone.

OLA2: Basics of Medical Imaging 20%
Written exam

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • 5hIPHT - Basics of Medical Imaging (during and beyond academic year)
  • 5lIPHT - Deep Learning (during and beyond academic year)

Marking is the same as in the first exam period.