Biochemical Analysis Techniques (B-KUL-T3DBA2)

4 ECTSEnglish43 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Rediers Hans (coordinator) |  Rediers Hans |  N. |  De Smet Lieven (cooperator) |  Verreth Christel (cooperator)
OC Biochemie - Campus Groep T Leuven

Learning outcomes and development goals

  • K2L Have a basic scientific-disciplinary knowledge and understanding in one of the areas based on the chosen specialization
  • K3L Have a basic scientific-disciplinary knowledge and understanding of one or more of the professional competencies, in order to function as a graduate in Engineering Technology in a broad societal context
  • I1L Problem analysis and solving
  • I2L Designing and/or developing
  • I3L Application-oriented research
  • P1L Operationalising
  • G4L Teamwork in a number of different roles
  • G5L Professional conduct


  • The student has knowledge of the latest biochemical analysis techniques, including nucleic acid-based as well as immunological techniques, and is able to compare the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques (K2L, K3L, I3L)
  • The student is able to design assays in order to detect or quantify specific biomolecules (I1L, I2L, I3L)
  • The student is able to perform the proper techniques, process results in an appropriate manner, is able to critically interpret results and communicate the results to peers  (K3L, P1L, G4L, G5L)

Streng met Biotechnologie/Biotechnology (fase 1)

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
T3BIC1 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - chemie
T3BIC2 : Engineering Experience 3 - Chemical Engineering
T4KMB2 : Methods in Biomedical Research
T4IGE2 : Genetic Engineering
T4KBI2 : Biomedical Engineering


2.5 ects. Biochemical Analysis Techniques: Lecture (B-KUL-T3hBA2)

2.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture23 Second term
OC Biochemie - Campus Groep T Leuven

During the lectures the students will gather knowledge on biochemical analytical methods, assays and procedures that allow detection and/or quantification of biomolecules. Topics covered include:

  • Introduction
  • Protein purification and characterization
  • Detection of enzyme activity
  • Immunological Techniques
  • Production of monoclonal antibodies and applications
  • Hybridization-based detection techniques
  • PCR-based detection techniques

Course material will be made available on Toledo and consists of handouts of the slides and additional scientific papers

Traditional lecture

1.5 ects. Biochemical Analysis Techniques: Lab Session (B-KUL-T3pBA2)

1.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical20 Second term
N. |  De Smet Lieven (cooperator) |  Verreth Christel (cooperator)
OC Biochemie - Campus Groep T Leuven

Different lab sessions are organized, each focusing on principles/techniques covered during the lectures, including:

  • Purification of proteins (computer simulation)
  • Determination of enzyme activity
  • Quantification of proteins
  • SDS page
  • Immunological techniques (Western Blotting, Elisa)


Course material will be made available on Toledo

Computer session - Laboratory session


Evaluation: Biochemical Analysis Techniques (B-KUL-T72232)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

1. Calculation of the final mark

The final mark of this course is a whole number from 0 to 20 and is calculated based on the published component  marks with the following weighted factors:

  • Component mark for lecture: 62,5%
  • Component mark for lab session: 37,5 %

The only exception to this rule is described in the complementary regulation of the Faculty of Engineering Technology to article 66 in the Regulations on Education and Examinations.

2. Calculation of the published component marks

The component mark for lecture is the score for the exam during the exam period. This score is a whole number from 0 to 20. The component mark for lab session is also a whole number from 0 to 20, and is based on the students’ performance during the lab sessions according to the following weighted factors:

  • 10% test on protein purification simulation
  • 30% permanent evaluation, including preparation (its evaluation can take place by means of a pretest),  attitude, effort, motivation, compliance with agreement and lab-rules, team spirit, and experimental skills (work according to good laboratory practice, handling materials and products, speed: finish the experiments on time, …)
  • 20% report  (description experiments and results of all experiments, using and referring to literature correctly, handing in report on time…) The report is made by a group of  2-3 students, resulting in a group mark.
  • 40% end evaluation (individual test on interpretation of results, calculations, …)

Additional information on the evaluation will be communicated during a contact moment and will be available on the Toledo pages of this course.

3. Absences


  • Unauthorized absence during the exam leads to NA as a component mark for lectures.
  • For absences within the exam period, please contact the exam ombuds on the first day of your absence.

Practical session:

  • Presence is mandatory during all practical sessions
  • Unauthorized absence during one lab session leads to a 0 for that session.
  • Unauthorized absence during more than one lab session or during the end evaluation leads to NA as a component mark for the lab sessions.
  • For absences during the teaching weeks, please contact the education ombuds on the first day of your absence.
  • If you missed one or more mandatory sessions, please contact your professor as soon as possible and certainly within a week.

4. Partial transfers

Component marks of at least 10/20 published in the academic progress file are transferred to the next examination period within the same academic year and to the following academic years, except for temporary marks and marks for intermittent tests.

When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lessons and/or made available on the Toledo pages of the course.

5. Changes

If the university decides that it is confronted with situations of general force majeure or situations where the safety and health of members of the academic community of KU Leuven may be endangered and changes to the teaching and evaluation activities occur as a result, these changes will be communicated via Toledo.

Following parts of this course unit cannot be retaken during the same academic year. The score obtained for the component is valid for the first and the second examination opportunity.

  • T3pBA2 - Biochemical Analysis Techniques: Lab Session

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • T3hBA2 - Biochemical Analysis Techniques: Lecture (during and beyond academic year)
  • T3pBA2 - Biochemical Analysis Techniques: Lab Session (beyond academic year)

The part “Biochemical Analytical Methods: Lecture” can be retaken. The modalities are similar to the first examination chance

The part “Biochemical Analytical Methods: Lab Session” cannot be retaken during the same academic year. The score obtained for the component is valid for the first and the second examination opportunity. Lab Sessions: For this educational activity, no 2nd exam session is possible because the evaluation is partially based on permanent evaluation and the process evaluation is assessed during several sessions.