Microbiology (B-KUL-T3BMB2)

3 ECTSEnglish30 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Holsbeeks Inge (coordinator) |  Holsbeeks Inge |  N. |  Borremans Leni (cooperator) |  Verreth Christel (cooperator)
OC Biochemie - Campus Groep T Leuven

Learning outcomes and development goals

  • K2L Have a basic scientific-disciplinary knowledge and understanding in one of the areas based on the chosen specialization
  • I1L Problem analysis and solving
  • I3L Application-oriented research
  • P1L Operationalising
  • G1L Acquiring and processing information
  • G2L Communicating with peers and non-peers
  • G3L Critical reflection


Knowledge building of different types of microorganisms, their metabolism and their manipulation is central in this course.

The student knows the basic principles of the classification of microorganisms. K2L

The student knows the difference  between eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and can describe and discuss the components of a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. K2L

The student has insight into growth and amplification of microorganisms K2L

The student has insight into the composition and replication of viruses. K2L

The student can explain microbial concepts and microbial processes. K2L

The student can place microbial processes in a broader perspective K2L-G3L

The students can perform microbial experiments according to a protocol and describe, explain and interpret their results. K2L-P1L-G1L-G2L-G3L

The student can monitor the growth of microorganisms and correlate them to the circumstances (growth, inhibition of growth, ...) . K2L-I1L-I3L-G1L-G2L-G3L

The student can use material and devices to perform microbial experiments correctly. P1L

The student knows basic energy metabolisms (aerobic respiration, fermentation). The student knows basic parts of a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell and basic principles how cells multiply. The student knows structures and characteristics of biomolecules (nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins).


Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
T2BBC1 : Biochemie en celbiologie
T2BBC2 : Biochemistry and Cell Biology

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
T3BIC1 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - chemie
T3BIC2 : Engineering Experience 3 - Chemical Engineering
T3DVO1 : Voedingstechnologie
T3DVO2 : Food Technology
T3DGM2 : Advanced Microbiology
T4IKC1 : Kwaliteitszorg en -controle in de voedingsindustrie
T4IKC2 : Food Quality Control

This course is identical to the following courses:
T3BMB1 : Microbiologie
YI1398 : Microbiologie


2 ects. Microbiology: Lecture (B-KUL-T3hMB2)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 First term
OC Biochemie - Campus Groep T Leuven

This course is an introduction to the most important aspects of microbiology.


Cell structure and function: prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms

Basic classification of microorganisms

Growth and monitoring of growth of microorganisms and correlation to industrial processes.

Basic aspects of virology: classification, multiplication and detection


Slides available via Toledo.

Background info: Madigan et al. (2018). Brock Biology of Microorganisms. ISBN-13:  9780134261928


Traditional lecture

1 ects. Microbiology: Lab Session (B-KUL-T3pMB2)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical12 First term
N. |  Borremans Leni (cooperator) |  Verreth Christel (cooperator)
OC Biochemie - Campus Groep T Leuven

During this lab, students learn basic principles of sterile working, medium making, different ways of monitoring the growth of microorganisms and dealing with microbiological waste.

Description of experiments, results and critical reflection is done on the basis of written reports.

Labo manual available via Toledo

Laboratory session


Evaluation: Microbiology (B-KUL-T72189)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

f the university decides that it is confronted with situations of general force majeure or situations where the safety and health of members of the academic community of KU Leuven may be endangered and changes to the teaching and evaluation activities occur as a result, these changes will be communicated via Toledo.


1. Calculation of the final mark

The final mark of this course is calculated based on the published component marks with the following weighting factors:

Component mark for educational activity lecture : 2/3th

Component mark for educational activity lab session: 1/3th

The only exception to this rule is described in the complementary regulation of the Faculty of Engineering Technology to article 66 in the Regulations on Education and Examinations.


2. Calculation of the published component marks

The component mark for lecture is a whole number between 0 and 20. It is an evaluation of the student’s performance based on a written closed book exam during the exam period with definitions, insight questions, … .

The component mark for the lab session is a whole number between 0 and 20. It is an evaluation of the student’s performance based on the lab sessions:

- 50 % permanent evaluation (preparation of which evaluation can be done by a pretest, attitude, commitment, motivation, compliance with agreements and laboratory regulations, team spirit, ...) and skills (working according to microbiological principles, handling materials and products, speed: finish the experiments on time, …). This is evaluated during the lab sessions. This is an individual score.

- 50 % report (description experiments and results of main and extra experiments, using and referring literature correctly, handing in report on time, …). The reports are made with a group of students and this score is a group score.  

3. Absences


Unauthorized absence during the exam leads to NA as a component mark for lecture.

In case of absence during the exam period, you have to inform the exam ombudspersons on the day itself.

Lab session:

Presence is obligatory during all lab sessions

Unauthorized absence during more than 1/3th of the lab sessions leads to NA as a component mark for the lab session. Unauthorized absence for less than 1/3th or 1/3th of the lab sessions leads  to a score 0 on the corresponding lab session.

In case of absence during the course weeks, you have follow the general guidelines for 'absence during the course weeks' that are applicable on your campus.

When absent, you also have to inform the lab responsible as soon as possible. In case of legitimate absence you have to catch up for the missed lab. You have to discuss this with the lab responsible as soon as possible. 

4. Partial transfers and re-examinations

There is no second examination opportunity for Microbiology: lab session.

Component marks of at least 10/20 published in the academic progress file are transferred to the next examination period within the same academic year and to the following academic years, except for temporary marks and marks for intermittent tests.

For all educational activities:

If necessary additional information on evaluation will be given during  contact moments and/or available on the Toledo of the course unit.

Following parts of this course unit cannot be retaken during the same academic year. The score obtained for the component is valid for the first and the second examination opportunity.

  • T3pMB2 - Microbiology: Lab Session

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • T3hMB2 - Microbiology: Lecture (during and beyond academic year)
  • T3pMB2 - Microbiology: Lab Session (beyond academic year)

Lecture: retake possible. Labo session: no retake possible.

Further explanation: see first exam chance