Global Politics and Diplomacy (B-KUL-S0Q74A)

6 ECTSEnglish33 First term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • identify and comprehend the main analytical and normative debates in the analysis of global politics and diplomacy;
  • explain the design, goals, actors and challenges of global governance and diplomacy;
  • explain the most important dynamics, principles and concepts of global politics and diplomacy;
  • critically analyse various cases of global governance and diplomacy.


The course objectives will be elucidated and discussed during the first session.

Students are expected to have a keen interest in the dynamics of global politics and diplomacy.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
S0Q76A : Skills Lab: diplomatie en wereldorde


6 ects. Global Politics and Diplomacy (B-KUL-S0Q74a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture33 First term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

Growing interdependence among countries, expanding trade flows, increasing prosperity and power of emerging economies, a changing nature of (geopolitical) conflicts, environmental degradation, and widening social cleavages within countries are some of the factors that have tremendously transformed global politics and diplomacy. At the same time, those factors make global diplomacy ever more important, both within the frameworks of international organizations and outside such frameworks. The course disentangles the complex web of global politics and diplomacy. It enables students to understand and analyse contemporary global problems, while familiarising them with the challenges, practices, and organization of global diplomacy.

The course will use the following course material:

  • Reading material made available on Toledo
  • Nicholas KRALEV (2024), Diplomatic Statecraft, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

The course will make use of a combination of traditional teaching, discussion sessions, and collective excersises in class. As the course runs through nine weeks with three hours of class each week, there will be sessions in which in one three-hour session traditional teaching, collective exercises, and a discussion will be combined. Class attendance and participation are strongly advised with an eye on the final exam.


Evaluation: Global Politics and Diplomacy (B-KUL-S2Q74a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions

Evaluation characteristics

Written (closed) exam.

Determination of the final result

The course is evaluated by the lecturer(s), as communicated via Toledo and in compliance with the examination regulations. The result is calculated and communicated as an integral number on 20.


The retake format is identical to the one of the first exam.