Questions of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe (B-KUL-S0I59A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

Upon completion of this course the student has achieved the following aims:

  • The student is able to situate key political developments in Central and Eastern Europe in the correct historical, socio-political and geographical context;
  • The student is familiar with the main relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks in the debate about democracy in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • The student is able to reflect critically upon historical continuities and variations in Central and Eastern European politics;
  • The student is able to offer a systematic analysis of selected key cases from current affairs in the region.


These aims are communicated to the students at the beginning of the course.

A basic knowledge of the history of international relations since 1945 in Central and Eastern Europe is highly recommended.


4 ects. Questions of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe (B-KUL-S0I59a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

The content of this course consists of the following components:

  • Introduction to key political developments, events, and challenges in Central and Eastern Europe and their historical, socio-political and geographical context;
  • Introduction and discussion of the main relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks in the study of democratization and democracy in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • Analysis and critical discussion of historical continuities and variations in Central and Eastern European politics;
  • Analysis and critical discussion of selected key cases from current affairs in the region.

Toledo will be used for this course to provide students with the obligatory reading, reading lists of recommended literature, slides of the lectures, information about the assignments and other material.

This course is organized according to the principles of blended learning, in which online education and contact education are combined.  

With regard to online class meetings, students will be informed about how to join these meetings and how to prepare for them. They will also receive information on how to study the online material.

Throughout the (online) lectures, students will become familiar with the main relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks and will learn to analyse and critically reflect upon key cases.

More detailed information is available via Toledo.


This course is organized through block teaching at the end of the first semester.


Evaluation: Questions of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe (B-KUL-S2I59a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Participation during contact hours

Characteristics of the evaluation

The evaluation is composed of following activities:

  • Written, closed book exam with closed and open questions; 
  • Participation during contact hours: students are expected to prepare for the class meetings and be able to answer questions about the assigned material.

Determination of the end result

The evaluation is done by the didactic team, as communicated via Toledo and the exam schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.

The end result is a weighted number that is determined as follows:

  • Written, closed book exam: 80%
  • Participation during contact hours: 20%

If the student does not take part in the exam, the student will receive a ‘not taken’ (NA) for the entire course.

Students are fully responsible for submitting papers and assignments free of fraud and plagiarism ( and are requested to observe the Faculty’s relevant regulations. Plagiarism will be sanctioned with the sanctions mentioned in the University’s Regulations on Education and Examinations (

Retaking exams

Students who do not pass for this course at their first attempt, can do a resit and will need to retake the exam. The score received for ‘participation during contact hours’ will be transferred to the second examination opportunity.

See explanation 'retaking exams'.