Advertising (B-KUL-S0G82A)

6 ECTSEnglish35 First term
Smits Tim |  Qutteina Yara (substitute)
POC Communicatiewetenschappen

Upon completion of this course, the student has gained advanced knowledge and insights on, and can develop critical reflections and analyses on advertising, more particularly on its strategic effects. The student …:

  • Knows about the different actors in the field of advertising and understands how these relate to each other and jointly deliver advertising to the audience.
  • Understands the difference between the creative appeal of advertising and its strategic effects and efficiency.
  • Is able to explain persuasive effects (or the absence of these effects), for a range of advertising cues and techniques, based on evidence and communication theory.
  • Can project insights from existent evidence on advertising to meaningfully articulate strategic expectations about new advertising campaigns.

These aims are communicated to the students at the beginning of the academic year.

Upon completion of this course, the student should know the advertising business and feel entitled to provide strategic expert knowledge on how communicative elements in advertising do (or do not) persuade the receiver.

At the beginning of this course, students have basic knowledge and understanding of the research field of communication sciences, psychological processes and/or marketing.


4 ects. Advertising 1 (B-KUL-S0G82a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture23 First term
Smits Tim |  Qutteina Yara (substitute)
POC Communicatiewetenschappen

The first topics covered relate to advertising as a business. The subsequent topics relate to understanding (and predicting) the persuasiveness of advertising. Topics can include (updated based on current relevance): advertising agencies, media planning, online advertising, general advertising effectiveness, endorsement advertising, effects of congruency cues, advertising to children, …

  • Used course material: A collection of digital resources made available through Toledo (mainly chapters and academic journal articles).
  • Recommended course material: The recommended course material will be communicated via links on the slides and Toledo. 

Students are expected to be present during the lectures. Lecture recordings are foreseen, in principle, but the availability of these recordings for students might depend on criteria (e.g. legitimacy of absence or a demonstration of study progress via short quizzes).

The lectures will cover (approximately) one topic per lecture. The teacher will introduce, situate, and explain the topic. Students will be asked to voice their expectations (for instance about advertising effectiveness), participate in discussing findings, and provide examples of actual advertising campaigns. Students can approach the teachers via (online and/or on-campus) Q&A sessions for questions (see also Toledo for further instructions and other modes of communication).


2 ects. Advertising 2 (B-KUL-S0G83a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture12 First term
Smits Tim |  Qutteina Yara (substitute)
POC Communicatiewetenschappen

Building upon the knowledge gained in Advertising 1, additional topics will be covered in Advertising 2. Topics can include (updated based on current relevance): advertising avoidance, comparative advertising, subtle cue effects, … 

A collection of digital resources made available through Toledo (mainly academic journal articles).

This course can be organized according to the principles of blended learning, in which contact education (face-to-face) and online learning are combined. More precise information is available via Toledo

The (online) lectures will cover (approximately) one topic per lecture. The teacher will introduce, situate, and explain the topic. Students will be asked to voice their expectations (for instance about advertising effectiveness), participate in discussing findings, and provide examples of actual advertising campaigns. Students can approach the teacher via (online and/or on-campus) Q&A sessions for questions (see also Toledo for further instructions and other modes of communication).


Evaluation: Advertising (B-KUL-S2G82a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : None

Evaluation characteristics

The exam will be digital but on campus, lasts three hours (at most) and will have a combination of two question formats. One part will be multiple choice questions (4 options per question, of which one is correct). The other part will be a set of short open response questions. Students will have to fill in their answer or provide short answers along with their underlying explanation.

Determination of final result

The course work will be evaluated by the tutor, as announced on Toledo and declared by the examination regulations. The result will be calculated and expressed as a number with a maximum score of 20.

Concerning the multiple choice items:

- A correction-for-guessing procedure will be applied so as to meet the quality standards of the exam.

- If the analysis of the results reveals inconsistencies with regard to a question’s phrasing or a very low correlation with the general results, multiple-choice questions can be dropped so as to meet the quality standards of the exam.

Second exam opportunity

The evaluation characteristics and the determination of the final grade of the second examination opportunity are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as expressed above.