China and Global Politics (B-KUL-S0E54A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

Upon completion of this course the student has achieved the following aims:

  • The student is able to understand, contextualize and explain China’s changing role within the framework of China’s ongoing open door policy based on state of the art scientific literature;
  • The student has insights into research processes and methods applied in political sciences with specific reference to Chinese global politics and underwrites the importance of empirical data for the generation of new insights into the domain of China and global politics;
  • The student is able to provide a critical analysis of publications in the domain of political science and can relate this analysis to the main arguments and theories in the domain of China and global politics;
  • The student is able to consult, select, bring together, critically reflect on, make correct references and autonomously apply scientific sources and data to adequately address research questions;
  • The student has an advanced knowledge of the normative and ideological perspectives of China’s foreign policy, which the student can contextualize in a historical frame and (s)he also knows how these perspectives are translated in policy;
  • The student is able to develop arguments regarding, report on and present key issues in China and global politics based on the knowledge of theory, research and policy;
  • The student demonstrates intellectual interest  and alertness towards and display a reflexive attitude towards ongoing issues in China and global politics and their media coverage in the West and the Global East (China, Japan);
  • The student follows closely the ongoing developments in the area of China and global politics.


These aims are communicated to the students at the beginning of the course.

At the beginning of this course the student has already achieved the following aims:

  • The student knows of a number of basic elements of international relations: theoretical concepts, international organizations and the role of the EU;
  • The student has the analytical ability to collect, analyze and write papers and formulate coherent arguments;
  • The student displays a general interest for China and Chinese politics.


This course builds on the knowledge, skills and the attitude that were developed in the following courses:

  • S0E00A Initiatie in de onderzoekspraktijk: politieke wetenschappen en sociologie [Introduction in Research: Political Sciences and Sociology]
  • S0E00C Inleiding tot politiek-wetenschappelijk onderzoek [Introduction to Political Science Researc]
  • S0A58C Practicum politieke wetenschappen [Practical Political Sciences]
  • S0A59B/S0E51A/S0A62B/S0E50A Seminaries [Seminars]
  • S0A57B Internationale organisatie [International Organisation]
  • S0A48C Europese politiek [European Politics]
  • S0A55C Theorieën van de internationale relaties [Theories of International Relations]


Having followed these or similar courses in advance is recommended, but not a formal prerequisite.


4 ects. China and Global Politics (B-KUL-S0E54a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

The topics for in-depth discussion include:

  • the nexus between domestic and global policy
  • the ramifications of membership of the WTO
  • China and international organizations
  • IR theories and application to China
  • China's view on IR
  • China and its Asian neighboring countries
  • Sino-American relations
  • Sino-Russian relations
  • China-EU relations
  • Case studies


Specific topics such BRI (Belt-and-Road Initiative), ethnic conflict in and outside China’s borders will be discussed too.

The course will use the following course materials:

  • Reading materials which are made available via Toledo;
  • PowerPoint presentations which are made available via Toledo;
  • Personal notes.

This course is organized according to the principles of blended learning, in which online education and contact education are combined.

The course format is interactive consisting of lecturing and discussion. The students are actively engaged during class. This method aims to improve and sharpen cognitive, social and dynamic/affective skills of the student related to the main topics of the course.

More detailed information is available via Toledo.


Evaluation: China and Global Politics (B-KUL-S2E54a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

Characteristics of the evaluation

The evaluation consists of an oral, closed book exam which consists of open questions related to the main topics of the course. The students are entitled to a preparation time of at least 20 minutes. In order to answer adequately, the students need to have a broad understanding on major developments of Chinese global politics, which is highly linked to domestic issues.


Determination of the end result

The evaluation is done by the didactic team, as communicated on Toledo and the exam schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.


Retaking exams

Students who do not pass for this course at their first attempt, can do a resit. The evaluation format and modalities will be the same as those of the first exam opportunity, as outlined above.

See explanation 'retaking exams'.