Labour Markets, Regulations and Developments (B-KUL-S0B80A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
POC Sociologie

Upon completion of this course, students have reached the following objectives:

  • Students know the basic concepts that are used in the study of the labour market.
  • Students can compare the theoretical approaches within sociology and economy on labour markets.
  • Students understand the role of labour markets in the study of labour relationships.
  • Students are familiar with the evolution and the changes of the labour markets during the past 30 years.
  • Students can apply the basic labour market concepts on an example.

The objectives are communicated at the beginning of the course.

Having followed S0A20A/S0A20B Sociologie, S0A67A Samenleving: uitdagingen en oplossingen, and S0A25A Economie at the Faculty of Economics, or similar courses, is recommended.


4 ects. Labour Markets, Regulations and Developments (B-KUL-S0B80a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Sociologie

The course consists of two main parts:

1. Labour markets: basic concepts, theoretical perspectives on labour markets from sociology and economy

2. Current labour market developments: regulation and deregulation, flexibility, European Employment Strategy (flexicurity, labour market transitions)

The course provides an in-depth understanding of the sociological and economic theories on labour markets with a particular attention to the political economy of labour markets. Recent developments in the societal institutions of labour markets, its regulatory structures and policies from a comparative perspective within Europe are also investigated in the light of the abovementioned theory. Finally, the course will shed light on the regulatory frameworks, strategies and employment policy (e.g. flexicurity and employability) concerning labour markets at the European level.

-Reader 'Developments in Labour Markets in Europe' (via Politika/Ultra (Toledo))
-Course slides are made available on Ultra (Toledo).

The course consists of a two hours lecture every week. During the weekly lectures, relevant theoretical, analytical and policy issues are presented and discussed. In addition, guest lectures by experts in the field are organized. We expect that the students participate actively in the lectures.

Two moments called Teaching in Action are foreseen covering the most relevant part 1 and part 2 of the course. Teaching in Action is a ‘powerful’ and ‘active’ learning tool, which aims at fostering knowledge by helping the students to digest concepts, theoretical arguments and analytical statements which have been covered in class. To make this tool operative, students are requested to be active. Overall, students are expected to participate actively in the lectures.


Evaluation: Labour Markets, Regulations and Developments (B-KUL-S2B80a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

Evaluation characteristics
The evaluation consists of a written closed book exam with 4 open ended questions.

Final grade
The course is evaluated by the lecturer, as communicated on Toledo and in the examination regulation. The final grade is expressed with a mark out of 20 (rounded to a whole number).

Retaking exams
The evaluation characteristics and the determination of the final grade of the second examination opportunity are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as expressed above.