Qualitative Research Methods (B-KUL-P0T95A)

4 ECTSEnglish24 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Ali Reza Beigi Samira (substitute)
POC Master of Educational Studies

After completing this course, the student is able to:

  • Understand, explain and apply basic concepts and elements of qualitative research
  • Identify the points of departure, opportunities and limitations of the most prevalent qualitative research approaches (e.g. case study research, narrative research, grounded theory, phenomenology)
  • Make an adequate and motivated choice when selecting a research approach in view of a relevant research question
  • Make important methodological choices (e.g. constructing a theoretical and/or conceptual framework, formulating an appropriate research question, selecting participants, choices regarding data collection and analysis, etc.) and to critically reflect upon these choices
  • Argue for the importance and relevance of ethical conduct throughout the entire research process, and to act in an ethical way as a qualitative researcher oneself
  • Make a sound qualitative research proposal which attests for knowledge and insight gained with respect to the points mentioned above

During and after this course, we expect from the student that he/she:


  • Is able to develop and adopt a curious attitude with respect to evolutions and trends in the discipline
  • Is able and willing to adopt an open stance, appreciating the complexity and generativity of doing sound qualitative research
  • Is able and willing to adopt an inquisitive stance which approaches topics and issues of qualitative research in a respectful manner

No specific prior knowledge required.


3 ects. Qualitative Research Methods: Theoretical Part (B-KUL-P0T95a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture19 Second term
N. |  Ali Reza Beigi Samira (substitute)
POC Master of Educational Studies

We will discuss and apply various steps of the research process against the background of the qualitative research cycle, including:

(1) Selecting and developing conceptual and theoretical frameworks;
(2) Data collection techniques (such as observations, interviews, focus group interviews, etc.);
(3) Selecting an appropriate research design and approach;
(4) Understanding common methods of qualitative data analysis and interpretation;
(5) Reporting and writing the results in a research proposal
(6) Academic integrity (e.g. avoiding plagiarism)
(7) Qualitative quality
(8) Reflecting on one’s role and positionality as a qualitative researcher

Articles/chapters of textbooks, research articles, video clips.

The course mainly consists of a series of lectures in which students will be invited for discussion and take part in the exercises.

1 ects. Qualitative Research Methods: Exercises and Assignments (B-KUL-P0T96a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical5 Second term
N. |  Ali Reza Beigi Samira (substitute)
POC Master of Educational Studies

The practical sessions will be organized as small group sessions, which complement the course’s lectures. The basic principles, ideas, points of departure and challenges of qualitative research will be demonstrated. The skills and knowledge gained in these practical sessions will enable students to carry out a qualitative research study and to develop their research paper.


Cf. Toledo

During the practical sessions, we will make use of both collective work and group work.


Evaluation: Qualitative Research Methods (B-KUL-P2T95a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project

Evaluation method:
By means of a research paper, a student proofs his/her ability to implement the different steps of a qualitative research cycle in practice. Additionally, the paper will include a reflection part in which the student demonstrates his/her understanding of the course material.


The final research paper is evaluated according to criteria that will be elucidated throughout the course (and that will equally be posted on Toledo). Language and form will be quoted as pass or fail.



Submission deadlines will be communicated via Toledo at the beginning of the semester. A research paper that is submitted after the communicated deadline will not be taken into account for the first examination period.

Students who do not pass the language and form requirements will not receive any points (NA). This includes incorrect references, spelling and grammatical errors, insufficient level of English language and disorganized structuring of the report.


Students who do not pass have to individually improve their previously submitted version, including a letter to the instructor describing the adjustments made.