Nation State and Empire: Conceptions of Political Order in Modern Europe (1800-2000) (B-KUL-N0A84A)

6 ECTSEnglish26 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Master European Studies – Letteren

- Better understanding historical dimension of today’s European Union
- Confrontation with key texts, developing skills of working with these texts

- A good overview of main trends of modern European history (1800-2000)
- Familiarity with the main political problems of today’s Europe


6 ects. Nation State and Empire: Conceptions of Political Order in Modern Europe (1800-2000) (B-KUL-N0A06a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
OC Master European Studies – Letteren

Contrary to a widely held belief, modern European history was not a history dominated by the nation state. Until the early 20th century ‘landed’ Empires formed the political structure of the largest part of the continent. The great European oversee-empires even only came to an end in the 1960s. Thus, studying the role of competing political structures (nation state, empire, confederation) in modern European history does not only provide a more informed view of historical developments but also to of today’s Europe’s political situation, in particular after the recent enlargements of the EU. Moreover, different scholars have argued recently that the terminology of empire may help to better understand today’s reality of the EU as well as its future challenges
The course will look at the idea of the nation state and the rise of nationalism in 19th century Europe and 20th century Europe and the partially competing, partially connected building of modern empires. This will be done both on a theoretical level as through historical examples (case studies). This will lead us to finally look at today’s European Union in historical perspective, and on this basis, discussing potential future trajectories of the Union.

- Texts provided before each session on Toledo

- PP-slides provided on Toledo

Seminar. Active engagement required. Texts have to be read and summarized before each session. 


Evaluation: Nation State and Empire: Conceptions of Political Order in Modern Europe (1800-2000) (B-KUL-N2A84a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions

The students will be evaluated during the course (compulsory summaries of the texts to be read for each session, one presentation in class of a topic defined by student and instructor and contributions to discussions in class) and by a final paper (take home, topic of presentation developed into paper of 10 pages using scholarly literature and an adequate reference system). As the interactive component of the permanent evaluation (in particular the presentation/discussion) is an essential part of the course, the course cannot be completed successfully without fulfilling these requirements.

There is no second exam chance for those components to be delivered during the course in the form of a permanent evaluation (summaries, interaction in class, presentation). These components are essential for passing the course.

There is only a second exam opportunity for the final paper (take home), cf. Toledo. 

There is no second exam chance for those components to be delivered during the course in the form of a permanent evaluation (summaries, interaction in class, presentation). These components are essential for passing the course.