Transfers and Exchanges: Migration, History and Culture between Eastern and Western Europe (B-KUL-N0A67A)

6 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
OC Master European Studies – Letteren

Students gain insight in research methodologies of cultural transfer/circulation of knowledge;

Students apply these methodologies during a seminar on intellectual and cultural relations between Eastern and Western Europe (18-20th centuries);

Students understand that migration is an inherent part of European history;

Students are aware that European culture and history are dynamic and cannot be defined by ‘national’ characteristics (alone).

General knowledge of European history


6 ects. Transfers and Exchanges: Migration, History and Culture between Eastern and Western Europe (B-KUL-N0A67a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Second term
OC Master European Studies – Letteren

The course is conceived as a seminar. During the first week, students get an introduction in a particular theme and its methodology, either by the teacher of this course or by a visiting teacher (intensive class). Thereafter students will identify a specific topic, on which they prepare a presentation and paper. During sessions, heuristic and methodological issues shall be discussed and addressed. The central theme is migration as an engine of East-West relations, the ‘in-between-world’ it creates, and how this impacts modern European society. From a methodological point of view, the course focuses on the ‘circulation of knowledge’ to explain transfers and exchanges between Eastern and Western Europe.
The theme changes annually. Possible themes are: Emigré networks and anti-communist propaganda during the Cold War; Travel and translation between East and West; Historiographical practices between East and West; Cultural presentations and war propaganda, Migration and the development of Academia, etc.

Will depend on the annual theme. Reading list and materials will be made available via Toledo.


Evaluation: Transfers and Exchanges: Migration, History and Culture between Eastern and Western Europe (B-KUL-N2A67a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation

The evaluation of the presentation will be retained or, if failed, replaced by another task; the paper remains mandatory.