Strategic and Operational Management in Sport and Events (B-KUL-L07M7A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

Students gain insights into different aspects and learn how to apply different tools relevant for the strategic and operational management of sport organisations, projects and events.

More specifically, they will be able to:

  • Differentiate between strategic and operational management;
  • understand and take into account the relevance of (different types of) aims;
  • understand and apply selected aspects and tools in strategical, operational and project management;
  • have a basic understanding of ethical aspects of managing sport, events and projects.

Previous knowledge:

The participants should be acquainted with basic principles of economics / management sciences.

Prerequisites credit contract:

The student has one of the following qualifications:


  • Bachelor of physical education and movement sciences
  • Bachelor of business management


AND has followed this course:

  • Policy and Management of sport (e.g. L07D5A)


AND has followed this course or follows this course simultaneously:

  • Management en technisch beheer van sportaccommodaties en sportevenementen


 Prerequisites for students who are not registered for the programs bachelor of Physical Education and Movement Sciences/Master of Movement and Sports Sciences, but wish to include the course as a component of choice in their programme: These students should contact the coordinator of the course. On the basis of prior knowledge and motivation, the coordinator will determine whether or not the student can be admitted to the course.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
L07D5A : Beleid en management van sport
L07I8B : Management en technisch beheer van sportaccommodaties en sportevenementen

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
L08I2B : Stage in sportbeleid en sportmanagement m.i.v. practicum en seminarie


4 ects. Strategic and Operational Management in Sport and Events (B-KUL-L07M7a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

The following topics are covered during the lessons:

  • Strategic and operational management in sport, physical activity, events and projects;
  • Relevance of (different types of) aims in management;
  • Selected aspects and tools in strategical management;
  • Selected aspects and tools in operational management;

Selected ethical aspects of strategic and operational management in sport, physical activity, events and projects.

Information on course material will be provided throughout the course.

During and in addition to the lectures, assignments and exercises are provided. These serve to prepare and/or follow up and/or supplement the lecture. All participants are expected to be present and to actively participate in the lectures and to do the relevant individual and group exercises and assignments.


Evaluation: Strategic and Operational Management in Sport and Events (B-KUL-L27M7a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation

The final grade will be determined on the basis of a continuous assessment that combines project-based work, a report or paper, a presentation, participation during contact hours and a process evaluation. The specific information and calculation rules will be provided in the first class of the course and made available on TOLEDO.


The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of KU Leuven and the faculty additions.

To retake the exam, the students have to deliver a portfolio that is defined by the lecturer. The deadline for delivering the portfolio will be discussed with the student