Interdisciplinary Programme in Healthcare Innovation (B-KUL-K49M6A)

5 ECTSEnglish50 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Extern Université Libre de Bruxelles
POC Farmaceutische Wetenschappen

  • The student gets an insight into the main strategies and tools for the prevention and treatment of disease states.
  • The student gets an overview over the main types and principles of healthcare systems worldwide.
  • The student understands the basic principles of healthcare economics and management.
  • The student gets an insight into the multiple steps and key principles in the development of health technologies.
  • The student gets an insight into innovation models and career opportunities in healthcare.
  • The student understands the need for working interdisciplinary and for the convergence of medicine, life sciences and physical sciences, engineering and management, from basic research to patient-centric care, including (pre)clinical research, development of medicines and medical devices, healthcare organization, management and economics.

The student has knowledge about economics or healthcare related disciplines.

A maximum of 30 drug development (master) students may enroll for this course. ISP enrollment will be disabled once 30 students enrolled.



Evaluation: Interdisciplinary Programme in Healthcare Innovation (B-KUL-K29M6a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Multiple choice

Final grade:

  • 35/100 multiple choice exam (outside of the regular examination period)
  • 65/100 group project  (written report 35/100 and presentation 30/100)

Throughout the semester students will participate in self-evaluation (quizzes) to evaluate their own process and to familiarize themselves with the platform and method of evaluation. These self-evaluation quizzes will not be part of the final grade of the student.

To get a credit for this course, students are obliged to follow the examination rules such as described under "Evaluation - Other - Certificate in Healthcare Innovation (Translational Medicine)"

Contact the person responsible for this course and correct your report based on the given feedback.