Bioenvironmental Control (B-KUL-I0N79A)

5 ECTSEnglish52 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

This course covers the fundamentals of bio-environmental control in order to provide comfortable and productive living/working environments for a variety of living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants.

At the end of this course, students will be able to

  • Acquire a foundational understanding of bio-environmental control application fields, terminology, and principles of heat and mass transfer;
  • Acquire proficiency in heat, energy, and mass balances;
  • Develop a broad comprehension of basic modes of heat transfer;
  • Demonstrate the ability to use principles of heat transfer to solve thermal analysis problems;
  • Understand the significance of ventilation, thermal insulation and moisture barrier design;
  • Discuss the objective, challenges and future trends of occupant-centric control (OCC).

Prerequisite calculus and physics courses, as well as analytical and problem-solving skills, are required.


4 ects. Bioenvironmental Control: Lectures (B-KUL-I0N79a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

Chapter 1: Application fields of bio-environmental control

1.1. Response of the living organism (human, animal, plant and biological product) to the surrounding climate: definitions; 1.2. Influence of the micro-environment on the living organism: the field of application; 1.3. Basic laws and units

Chapter 2: Psychrometrics

2.1. Variables that quantify humid air; 2.2. Relationship between relative and absolute humidity; 2.3. Phenomenon of cooling; 2.4. Total energy content of humid air; 2.5. Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature

Chapter 3: Basic laws of heat transfer

3.1. Conduction; 3.2. Convection; 3.3. Radiation

Chapter 4: Steady-state thermal analysis

4.1. Heat transfer through walls; 4.2. Heat transfer through ceilings, glazing and doors; 4.3. Heat transfer through floors on grade

Chapter 5: Steady-state energy and mass balances

5.1. Introduction; 5.2. Sensible heat balance; 5.3. Moisture balance; 5.4. Total heat balance and enthalpy balance; 5.5. Mass balance; 5.6. Expansion; 5.7. Exercises; 5.8. Energy consumption and losses of buildings

Chapter 6: Ventilation

6.1. Introduction; 6.2. Animal housing ventilation; 6.3. Greenhouse ventilation and control; 6.4. Air jets and outlets; 6.5. Ventilation efficiency and cost of ventilation

Chapter 7: Thermal insulation and moisture barrier design

7.1. Introduction; 7.2. Optimum insulation thickness; 7.3. Condensation on wall surfaces

Chapter 8: Occupant-centric building control (OCC)

8.1. Introduction; 8.2. Thermal comfort; 8.3. occupant-centric methodology; 8.4. Indoor CO2 control and air quality; 8.5. Computer vision and machine learning for occupant-centric control (OCC) assistance


Lecture notes (chapters 1-8): are available in pdf format.

Reference scientific articles (chapter 8): are available in pdf format.

Suggested textbook (chapters 1-7): is available at the KU Leuven Library (Arenberg Campus). Sample pages are available in pdf format upon request.


Albright LD (1990). Environmental Control for Animals and Plants. American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), St. Joseph, MN, USA. ISBN: 978-0929355085.

Stanfield C, Skaves D (2022) Fundamentals of HVACR. Fourth Ed., Pearson Education Inc., USA. ISBN: 978-0137574612

Blended learning

Combination of online and physical lectures, with emphasis on interaction.

1 ects. Bioenvironmental Control: Exercises (B-KUL-I0N80a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 First term
POC Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

Exercise session 1: Humid air

Exercise session 2: Conduction and convection

Exercise session 3: Heat transfer

Exercise session 4: Heat transfer

Exercise session 5: Energy and Mass Balances

Exercise session 6: Energy and Mass Balances

Exercise session 7: Constant regime analysis of the controller

Exercise session 8: Constant regime analysis of the controller

Lecture notes (chapters 1-8): are available in pdf format.

Reference scientific articles (chapter 8): are available in pdf format.

Suggested textbook (chapters 1-7): is available at the KU Leuven Library (Arenberg Campus). Sample pages are available in pdf format upon request.


Albright LD (1990). Environmental Control for Animals and Plants. American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), St. Joseph, MN, USA. ISBN: 978-0929355085.

Stanfield C, Skaves D (2022) Fundamentals of HVACR. Fourth Ed., Pearson Education Inc., USA. ISBN: 978-0137574612

Practice session


Evaluation: Bioenvironmental Control (B-KUL-I2N79a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator, Reference work, Course material

The exam is divided into two parts:

1) a closed book part evaluating the theory and

2) an open book part evaluating the insights based on an exercise.

Students must first complete the closed book part before beginning the open book exercise.