Cognitive Ergonomics (B-KUL-HBM17C)

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student:
4. Using his/her insight into all subdomains of welfare, is able to map out the well-being of employees, identify and evaluate risks, propose the appropriate prevention measures and link them to the organisation's prevention policy.
4b Has insight into the way that human functioning is disrupted by factors that are inherent to the job or the working environment, is able to recognise the pathologies and conditions caused by this, and is able to intervene in a preventive or curative way in the labour situation.
4c Is able to use biomechanical and ergonomic principles and measurement methods to estimate physical or mental strain; analyse the workplace; identify, reduce and eliminate the ergonomic bottlenecks by adjusting or redesigning the workplace.
4e Is able to use conceptual frameworks from psychological sciences to enhance safety and health in an organisation (such as stress management and psychological strain, motivating employees to take active care of the well-being of others and themselves, ...).
7. Masters research methods and is able to apply them to analyse problems in the field of environment and well-being, to work out and assess solutions and communicate about them.
7a Is able to analyse a problem, link it to scientific literature, formulate questions/hypotheses that will guide research.
7b Knows the different methods used in qualitative (e.g. questionnaire, experiment) as well as quantitative research (e.g. in-depth interview, focus group) and is able to apply them to solve a problem.
7c Depending on the question, is able to make an informed choice for a certain method and/or analysis technique.
7d Is able to correctly interpret the results of an analysis and determine the scope of it.
7e Is able to report adequately and communicate orally on the method and results, and closely follows the reporting guidelines.
Previous knowledge
For this course it is recommended that the student has successfully acquired the knowledge of the following course:
Onderzoeks- en analysemethoden 1 (HBM09C).
Requirements: proper knowledge of the following concepts / techniques: hypothesis, operationalising of variables, validity and reliability, correlational research, experimental research, experimental research designs including the basic knowledge of within-subjects versus between-subjects designs, statistical significance, t-tests, randomization and contrabalancing in experimental designs.
Is included in these courses of study
6 ects. Cognitive Ergonomics (B-KUL-HBM17c)
1. Introduction to Psychology and Engineering Psychology
2. Sensation
- visual sensory systems
- auditory, tactile and vestibular system
- signal detection, information theory and absolute judgment
3. Perception
4. Memory
- working memory
- long-term memory
5. Attention
6. Judgment and Decision Making
7. Spatial Displays
8. Spatial Cognition & Navigation
9. Attention, time sharing and workload
10. Automation
11. Safety, Accidents, and Human Error
12. Usability
Course material
All study materials will be made available online on Toledo
- NOBA Psychology series chapters
- articles
- book chapters
- slides
Evaluation: Cognitive Ergonomics (B-KUL-H74448)
Evaluation characteristics:
The exam consists of open questions.
Second exam period:
Identical to first exam period.
Information about retaking exams
cf. first exam period