Management and Policy Aspects of Technology in Healthcare (B-KUL-H06R5A)

3 ECTSEnglish13 First term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

The student will be able to understand, to assess and to contribute to policy and management issues concerning healthcare technology.  After successful completion of the OPO the student will understand the challenges (and supporting decision techniques) for a biomedical/clinical engineer in a hospital context.  The student will have insight in the basics of technological.  The student will be able to explain the principles of HTA and will be able to critically read HTA reports. 

bachelor of engineering or other bachelor science & technology


3 ects. Management and Policy Aspects of Technology in Healthcare (B-KUL-H06R5a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture13 First term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

Management of health technology includes all those activities and actions necessary to carry out a safe, appropriate and economic use of technology in health organizations.  This course offers an introduction to the basic (industrial engineering) principles underpinning a sound health technology management.  The focus is on policy and management aspects of health technology in hospitals, but aspects related to societal impact of this technology as well as its deployment in non-hospital environments such as home care will be discussed.
The course addresses the life cycle of technology: starting from acquisition, operations, maintenance, replacement and disposal.  This includes topics as risk analysis, inventory management, automation evaluation  and asset  life cycle optimization.  An introduction to HTA (health technology assessment) is also included.

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Powerpoints & papers, made available on Toledo

The course is taught and examined in English

ex catedra + interactive discussions


Evaluation: Management and Policy Aspects of Technology in Healthcare (B-KUL-H26R5a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator, None

The assignment can be but should not be redone.  The exam itself has the same format as in January.