Design in Medical Technology (B-KUL-H03I7A)

6 ECTSEnglish180 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

The student applies a structured design methodology in an authentic context (hospital, company, research lab) to design a functional product (hardware, software, procedure) that responds to the design requirements. The student integrates medical and technological knowledge and frames the designed product in a societal context. Besides of integrating knowledge that is already known to the student, the student demonstrates his/her ability to understand and to implement newly acquired knowledge.

A number of company and hospital visits through which the student become acquainted with the practice of designing in the field of medical technology.

Preliminary terms
The student must be following the master programme Biomedical Engineering.
Preliminary conditions
The student must follow all courses of the first master year of the core programme of Master of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering.

This course is identical to the following courses:
H09O0A : Ontwerpen in de medische technologie (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. Project Work Design (B-KUL-H03I8a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment120 Second term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

This course consists of two large parts: a project and a series of seminars, hospital and company visits.


Students, preferrably in teams of two, are given a real design assignment. These design assignments will always involve a system that is as realistic and authentic as possible, but may sometimes be simplified to be able to keep its execution within a realistic period of time. Each design assignment will as much as possible feature aspects from different courses. 
The expected workload for this project is 120 hours.

Introductory presentation and handouts on Toledo.

Design project.

1 ects. Design Practice: Hospital- and Company Visits (B-KUL-H03I9a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Field trip30 Second term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

This course consists of two large parts: a project and a series of seminars, hospital and company visits.

1 ects. Design in Medical Technology: Seminars (B-KUL-H03J1a)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment30 Second term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

This course consists of two large parts: a project and a series of seminars, hospital and company visits.


The students attend a seminar (one afternoon) on intellectual property management, consisting of two parts:
- Explanation of intellectual property management in medical device technology.
- Hands-on experience (in a PC class) to search for relevant patents related to a specified medical device.
This seminar is supervised by an IP specialist from Leuven Research and Development and by the co-ordinator of the Leuven Medical Technology Centre.

Handouts on Toledo.



Evaluation: Design in Medical Technology (B-KUL-H23I7a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation

The student presents the outcome of the design project by means of
- a detailed report of appr. 25 pages
- an oral presentation and defense against a jury.
A template is avaible both to the jury members and to the students.

The student drafts a two-page report on the added value of the company and hospital visits for his/her professional development.