Intelligent Transportation Systems (B-KUL-H00M8B)

6 ECTSEnglish40 First term
POC Mobiliteit en Supply Chain

Teaching goals:

  • student has overview of ITS domain (through seminars and self-study) and understands ITS architectures, enabling technologies, and interoperability of subsystems
  • student can creatively suggest how ICT can enable or improve transportation services, and how data fusion, state estimation and control techniques can be tailored to the transportation problem at hand
  • student understands detailed working principles and design of selected ITS systems in traffic information and control
  • student can motivate a sketch design ITS system based on problem analysis, functional specifications, data specifications, consideration of technological options, side constraints (budget, feasibility,...)
  • student understands the user and system perspectives on ITS services and how they both impose constraints on ITS design and operation
  • student has skills to exploit ITS (open) data sources and feed them into a proof-of-concept IST application
  • student can develop and demonstrate some key building blocks of a self-conceived ITS app

The scope of the ITS lectures is primarily on the road traffic system. The coherence between available technology, state-of-the-art signal processing, state estimation, control and coordination methods and how they can be combined to fulfill the need for management of the traffic system is discussed. The students learn how to identify a traffic management problem, to define remedying actions, to cast these into an ITS service and to select a relevant combination of hardware technology and ITS processing methods that operationalize the required ITS service into an ITS system.

NOTE: this course does NOT discuss the specific technologies (sensors, positioning technology, IoT, communication technology, machine learning,...) that are driving the ITS industry. The aim is to learn how pairing insights into the true needs of stakeholders in transportation with capabilities that modern technology offers are both required to create good ITS solutions. In addition, to show how these solutions can only be successful when specific domain knowledge (theory and models from the transportation domain) and generic technologies come together. This is also why students are supposed to have some prior knowledge on transportation systems before enrolling in this course.

It is highly recommended that students have background knowledge on traffic and transportation engineering (Eg H0A07a Traffic Engineering or equivalent). Our experience is that without such background, it is very difficult to pass for the exam.

Note to ERASMUS students: please verify with the lecturer if your background is sufficient, in order to avoid avoidable failures!

This course is identical to the following courses:
H0A26A : Intelligente transportsystemen (No longer offered this academic year)


3 ects. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Seminars (B-KUL-H00M3a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical20 First term
POC Mobiliteit en Supply Chain

Part 1: ITS Belgium conference visit

  • In order to broaden your overview of the ITS domain, we visit the ITS Belgium conference in Brussels (

Part 2: exercises exploring open data and some developer tools

  • Introduction to ITS CreaLab (
  • introduction to open data sources (OpenStreetMap, Flanders Open Data Portal,…)
  • introduction to developer tools (QGIS, Google API’s, Matlab, Python)

Part 3: conceive and create your own ITS application; build a proof of concept

  • You dispose of many public open data sets, open source tools, and - through IST CreaLab - some data and tools that the L-Mob research group at KUL-CIB acquired and/or developed over the years. Use this as your playground to develop your own ITS application!
  • Position your app carefully within the transportation domain: identify the stakeholders that will use your service and their user needs (required service, operational context and constraints, willingness to pay,…). Translate those into a system architecture of your app. Build a proof of concept of some key components of your application.
  • Pitch your idea and proof-of-concept demo as part of the exam!

Optional: guest lectures

  • depending on the amount of students and availability of speakers, we may invite some guest lecturers on some special topic within ITS. These lectures may be co-ordinated with other courses within the Log&Traf master.

Presentation slides, papers, ITS CreaLab tools and data.

3 ects. Intelligent Transportation Systems: Lectures (B-KUL-H00M8a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 First term
POC Mobiliteit en Supply Chain

The goal of the lectures is to illustrate how sensing data & data processing, combined with knowledge of the transportation system, enables ITS services. To this end, some in-depth methods are discussed from a subset of ITS services all belonging to traffic operations management services (whereas, ofcourse, ITS is much broader than just that).

Lectures cover the following topics:

Part 1.       ITS domain definition, overview, architectures and EU policy

Part 2.       traffic data collection, data processing, data fusion and state estimation

  • a.       cumulative representation of traffic data and feature extraction
  • b.       travel time estimation algorithms
  • c.       adaptive smoothing method
  • d.       Kalman filters for traffic models
  • e.       KF applications to traffic state prediction and traffic data fusion: motorway and urban network case studies

Part 3.       traffic management and control

  • a.       Characteristics of the road traffic system, relevant for dynamic traffic management (DTM) à understand the system you are controlling, identify bottlenecks and understand how they are utilized
  • b.       Traffic management as a region wide ITS service; defining the objective function for the DTM problem à know who controls what and for which objectives
  • c.       Some selected traffic control tools à understand the power and limitations of controls and why

                                                    i.      ramp metering (ALINEA, HERO)

                                                   ii.      variable speed limits (MOW, MTFC, SPECIALIST)

                                                  iii.      signal control

Part 4.       intelligent vehicles

  • a.       case study: A58 Spookfiles project
  • b.       autonomous robots
  • c.       autonomous driving: some realism in the hype

Lecture notes, papers.




Evaluation: Intelligent Transportation Systems (B-KUL-H20M8b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Project/Product, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator

The lectures are evaluated in an open-book written exam. The questions are open questions. Some may ask to explain some concepts or slides from the lecture. Others verify how you would apply concepts, methods, algorithms,... from the course (or similar) to alternative scenarios. 

The seminar part is evaluated permanently and in a final presentation of your design. If guest lectures are organized, your attendence will be scored. This counts for 10% of the score on the seminar (if applicable). The process and end result of your ITS application design count for the rest of the total score for the seminar part.

Lecture and seminar scores are weighted 50% each. For the lecture part, there is a 2nd exam chance; the score of the seminar (project) is taken from the 1st exam period.

For the 2nd exam chance, the score of the seminar is taken from the 1st exam period. Just like for the 1st exam chance, 50-50% weights are applied for the lecture exam and the former score for the seminar part.