Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Special Techniques in Radiotherapy (B-KUL-G0T95A)

3 ECTSEnglish13 Second term
Depuydt Tom (coordinator) |  Crijns Wouter |  Depuydt Tom |  Sterpin Edmond |  Sterpin Edmond (substitute)
POC Medical Physics

Deel 1: Bestralingstoestellen en klinische stralingsbundels​

Deel 2: Basisplanning en dosisberekening​

Deel 3: Intensiteitsgemoduleerde radiotherapie​

Deel 4: “Image guided” radiotherapie​

Deel 5: “Organ motion” en “Motion management”​

Deel 6: Brachytherapie

Deel 7: Algemene concepten kwaliteitsverzekering​

Deel 8: Capita Selecta “Total Body” bestralingen

Deel 9: Capita Selecta Treatment Planning van de toekomst

Deel 10: Oefenzitting manuele dosisberekening

The student has the necessary medical radiation physics background: technology in radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine, and radioprotection.    

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0Z75A : Quality Assurance and Special Techniques in Radiotherapy


3 ects. Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Special Techniques in Radiotherapy (B-KUL-G0T95a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture13 Second term
POC Medical Physics

1. Control of radiotherapeutical treatments using an independent beam parametrisation
2. Overview of standard treatments and control procedures
3. Dose algoritms
4. Electron beams and quality control
5. Brachytherapy
The course will be updated in order to follow the progress in the field of radiotherapy

- Interactive lectures 
- Exercises
